But romantic fiction-lover, Lyn-Marie Cunliffe, has taken her obsession with Victorian literature to the extreme-by living her modern life dressed as her heroine Charlotte Bronte. 不过超级浪漫小说迷林恩-玛丽坎丽芙真的做到了:因为极度痴迷维多利亚时期的文学作品,坎丽芙每天穿成夏洛蒂勃朗特过着现代生活。勃朗特三姐妹中的夏洛蒂是她的偶像。
"Labour won't stand by and let this continue," David Cunliffe said. 工党不会坐视不管,任由这种情形持续。
"This is clearly a government on the back foot with no vision and no plan to take New Zealand forward," David Cunliffe said. 「这表明了国家党是一个保守、没有视野、没有计画能带领纽西兰前进的政府,」大卫‧康立夫说。
"Labour is in a hurry to grow the pie for all New Zealanders," David Cunliffe said. 大卫康利夫表示:工党正加快努力的步伐,力图为所有新西兰人把饼做大。
Today's shockingly bad quarterly growth figures reveal a New Zealand economy that is at a standstill or going backward, says Labour Finance spokesperson David Cunliffe. 日前披露的糟糕的季度增长数据显示新西兰的经济不但已深陷僵局,甚至在倒退。
"People have been hanging on by their fingernails waiting for the brighter future John Key promised in2008, but it hasn't happened," David Cunliffe said. 百姓生活在水深火热之中,他们还在等着约翰基2008年大选时承诺的所谓更光明的未来,只是始终等不到。
"Budgets are always about choices," David Cunliffe said. 预算案总是关乎选择的。