Chengdu has nine shops under the various brands in the Trinity family and six less expensive stores, while Chongqing has just one Cerruti 1881 and one Kent& Curwen and four discount outlets. 利邦旗下各品牌门店中,有9家开在成都。此外成都还有6家价位较低的店铺。而重庆只有一家切瑞蒂1881店、一家Kent&Curwen店和4家折扣店。
James's, but reading a newspaper so close to his face that only one hand was showing," the whitest hand my eyes ever beheld with a very large rose diamond ring," Loyalist Curwen recorded. “这是我所见过的最白的一只手,而且上面戴着一枚很大的玫瑰花形钻戒。”柯温这样记录到。
On a recent weekday afternoon, the Kent& Curwen store in downtown Chengdu, a city of about 10m in southwestern China, seems to be the only one with customers. 近期一个工作日的下午,在拥有约1000万人口的西南城市成都的市中心,Kent&Curwen的门店似乎是唯一有顾客光顾的店铺。