He turned up in northern Cyprus, declaring himself happy to be home. 他出现在塞浦路斯北部,声称自己很高兴又回家了。
The beautiful island of Cyprus is a magical place to get married. 美丽的塞浦路斯岛是缔结良缘的美妙之地。
The joy turned to tragedy during his years in Cyprus. 他在塞浦路斯的那段日子里,生活由喜转悲。
A man has been arrested in Cyprus on suspicion of vandalizing the tombs of three archbishops in nicosia. 一名男子涉嫌在尼科西亚肆意破坏三名总教主的坟墓在塞浦路斯被捕。
That is not surprising given how atrocious this deal is for Cyprus. 考虑到这份协议对塞浦路斯意味着的残酷性,市场的表现就不足为奇了。
It is spoken mainly across Greece and Cyprus. 主要使用地区为希腊和塞浦路斯。
The world's oldest perfumes have been found on Cyprus by a team of archaeologists. 近日,意大利考古学家在塞浦路斯南部发现了世界上最古老的香水。
These include Greece, Cyprus and Hungary, all of which Moscow has actively courted. 这些国家包括希腊、塞浦路斯、匈牙利,它们都被俄罗斯积极争取过。
If they've done that in Cyprus, they can do it in Spain and Italy as well. 既然他们能在塞浦路斯这样做,他们在西班牙和意大利也一样能这样做。
Secondly, I had the chance to brief my colleague on the negotiations to solve the Cyprus problem. 第二,我有机会向他们介绍我的同事的谈判来解决塞浦路斯问题。
However, this one is licenced and regulated in Cyprus rather than Costa Rica. 但是,这一个是授权和监管,而不是在塞浦路斯哥斯达黎加。
Since Cyprus has a veto over that decision, the embargo has stuck. 由于(希族)塞浦路斯已经拥有了对此决议的否决权,贸易禁运也已继续维持。
This is the very firm position of Cyprus. 这是塞浦路斯非常坚定立场。
Trouble flared in greece, cyprus, and the Czech republic. 希腊、塞浦路斯及捷克共和国的问题加剧了。
Slovenia scraped in at the start of this year; Malta and Cyprus may follow soon. 年初,斯洛文尼亚踉踉跄跄的加入了欧盟,马耳他和塞浦路斯或许也不久将至。
This good-natured craftsman built her a splendid palace on Cyprus. 这个善良的工匠在塞浦路斯岛上为她修建了一座辉煌的宫殿。
Several deaths were noted in Italy, Turkey and Cyprus as well. 几个死亡人说,在意大利,土耳其和塞浦路斯等。
Cyprus was ceded by Turkey to Britain for administration. 土耳其把塞浦路斯割让给英国管辖。
Be wary of places such as Gibraltar, Malta or Cyprus. 要提防一些地方如直布罗陀、马耳他或塞浦路斯等。
British policy in Cyprus was an utter disaster. 英国在塞浦路斯的政策遭到了彻底的失败。
Both the government and Central Bank of Cyprus will be exempt from the controls. 塞浦路斯政府和该国央行都将不受资本管制的约束。
They've probably reached Cyprus by now. 他们大概已经到了塞浦路斯了。
The wrong people resigned in Cyprus on Thursday. 周四,在地中海岛国塞浦路斯,不该辞职的人辞职了。
Britain retains two sovereign military bases in Cyprus since the island gained its independence from British colonial rule in1960. 英国保留了两个主权军事基地,因为在塞浦路斯岛上的英国殖民统治获得1960年独立。
The hot and humid climate of Cyprus. 闷热和潮湿的气候。
Greece is number one, closely followed by Slovakia, Cyprus and Spain. 希腊高居榜首,接下来是斯洛伐克、塞浦路斯和西班牙。
Relations between Israel and Cyprus have improved greatly following the souring of relations between former military allies Israel and Turkey. 以色列和塞浦路斯之间的关系大为改善后的前军事盟国之间的以色列和土耳其的关系变坏。
This plane received maintenance as usual and left Cyprus without any problems. 这架飞机得到如常的保养,离开塞浦路斯时没有任何问题。