Past studies have demonstrated that D-ribose supplementation enhances the return of ATP levels with an associated improvement in diastolic function. 以前的研究已证实D-核糖补充给药法能增加ATP恢复,同时改善舒张功能。
Effect of Aromatic Amino Acids and Vitamins on D-Ribose Production and Optimization of Minimal Medium 基本培养基中芳香族氨基酸和维生素对D-核糖生产的影响
In this study, effects of aromatic amino acids and vitamins on the growth of transketolase-deficient Bacillus subtilis and D-ribose biosynthesis were studied in chemically defined media. 考察了芳香族氨基酸和维生素对转酮醇酶缺失的枯草芽孢杆菌生长以及D-核糖生产的影响。
D-Ribose, as a supplement, has repeatedly shown to improve functional capacity, quality of life, and everyday activities for patients afflicted with congestive heart failure. 对受到充血性心衰折磨的患者,使用D-核糖补充给药法在治疗后,都能一再的改善身体机能,提高生活质量。
D-Ribose, unlike glucose, is a five-carbon sugar important for DNA, RNA, and most importantly, ATP, the "energy currency" of the cells. 不像葡萄糖,D-核糖这种五碳糖对DNA、RNA非常重要,尤其是对ATP,这种细胞的“能量货币”尤为重要。
Application of Membrane Technology in D-ribose Extraction 膜分离技术在D-核糖分离提取中的应用
Effects and Mechanism of D-ribose on Rats 'Physiological Function D-核糖对大鼠生理机能的影响及其机制
The results showed that Mn 2+ influenced the D-ribose synthesis and the spore formation obviously. 发现Mn2+对该突变株合成D核糖和形成芽孢具有非常显著的影响。
The removal of proteins is the crucial step in the process of D-ribose production. 发酵液中蛋白质的脱除在D-核糖生产中是至关重要的一步。
Effects of initial carbon source concentration, nitrogen source concentration and operation conditions on D-ribose fermentation were studied. Based on the optimization of these technology conditions feeding process of D-ribose fed-batch fermentation was studied emphatically. 研究了初始碳氮源浓度和各操作条件对D-核糖发酵的影响并对其进行了优化,在此基础上着重研究了摇瓶和发酵罐中的补料工艺;
A preliminary research on the treatment of crystal D-ribose wastewater is offered by the authors. 对结晶D-核糖生产工艺废水进行了实验室小试研究。
The effects of chloride and boric acid on the epimerization of D-arabinose to D-ribose in aqueous solution using ammonium paramolybdate as catalyst was studied. 研究了在仲钼酸铵催化D-阿拉伯糖差向异构化为D-核糖的水相体系中,氯化物和硼酸助催化剂对反应的影响。
In fermentation process, pH and oxidative highly affected D-ribose production. 研究发现,在发酵过程中,pH值、溶解氧对D-核糖的产率影响显著。
The Effect of Dissolved Oxygen Tension on the Fermentation of D-ribose 发酵过程中溶氧浓度对D-核糖发酵的影响
Effects of adding materials on D-ribose biosynthesis 添加物对D-核糖生物合成的影响
Effects of operation conditions on D-ribose fermentation in fermentor and optimization of operation conditions. 操作条件对发酵罐中D-核糖发酵的影响及其优化。
Adenosine triphosphate ATP is composed of adenine, D-ribose and three orthophosphoric acid groups. 三磷酸腺苷ATP分子由三部分组成:腺嘌呤,D-核糖,及以酯键相连的三个正磷酸基团。
Study on D-Ribose Production by Fed-Batch Fermentation 补料发酵生产D-核糖工艺的研究
Study of Substrate Inhibition and Fed Batch Culture in The Fermentation of D-Ribose D-核糖发酵过程中底物抑制及补料的研究
At last kinetic model of D-ribose fed-batch fermentation was established. 最后建立了D-核糖补料分批发酵的动力学模型。
The characteristics, applications and occurrence of D-ribose were reviewed; 本文简要介绍了D-核糖的性质、自然界的存在及用途。
Representation and technological process of ultraviolet induced mutation of strain for producing D-ribose. D-核糖生产菌的紫外诱变表征及工艺。
Development and its application prospects of metabolic engineering in D-ribose production 代谢工程在D-核糖生产中研究现状及应用前景
The history of microbial D-ribose production was looked back. 回顾了微生物发酵生产D-核糖的历史,分析了菌种的筛选、选育策略。
6, Separated D-ribose by the reactive crystallizing was studied preliminary, and the condensing crystallizing for extract D-ribose was compared, and put forward the study direction in the future. 对反应结晶法分离D-核糖进行了初步研究,并与浓缩结晶法进行了比较,提出了进一步研究的方向。
Improved method of measurement of d-ribose concentration. In this system the phloroglucinol was used in stead of orcinol. 改进的D-核糖测定方法应用间苯三酚替代苔黑酚作为助色剂,建立了改进的分光光度法测定微生物发酵液中D-核糖浓度测定的方法。
Aiming at research actuality and development trend of D-ribose fermentation, in this thesis a new evaluating index for mutation was proposed and the optimal mutagen dosage was determined. 针对国内外D-核糖发酵的研究现状及发展趋势,本文提出了评价诱变效果的新指标,并确定了最适诱变剂量;
D-ribose fed-batch fermentation in fermentor. 发酵罐中D-核糖的补料分批发酵。
Effects of initial carbon source concentration and nitrogen source concentration on D-ribose fermentation and feeding process in flask. 初始碳氮源浓度对D-核糖发酵的影响及摇瓶补料工艺。
D-ribose injected mice displayed decline of learning and memory ability in Morris water maze test. 核糖注射组小鼠在Morris水迷宫行为测试中,表现出学习记忆能力的下降。