DAF enhanced treating surface water with low turbidity, high color and abounding organic matter 利用溶气气浮工艺强化处理低浊高色富含有机物地表水
Removal of particles through floc breakage and re-growth at low temperature Best Coagulation Conditions of Scum from DAF Treatment in Waterworks 低温条件下絮体破碎再絮凝去除水中颗粒的研究给水气浮工艺浮渣絮凝调理的最佳条件
So reform DAF is a better choice and emergent job. 因而对DAF进行改造是一种较好的选择,也是当务之急。
Study on the Treatment Simulated Dye Wastewater by Electro-coagulation-floatation Method Best Coagulation Conditions of Scum from DAF Treatment in Waterworks 电絮凝-气浮法对模拟染料废水的脱色实验研究给水气浮工艺浮渣絮凝调理的最佳条件
The design characteristics and relevant process parameters of DAF system, sprinkling system and sludge discharge system are introduced in detail. 详细介绍了溶气气浮系统、喷淋系统、排渣系统的设计特点及相关工艺参数。
Delivered at frontier-DAF: Applies to goods that the seller must deliver to the frontier of the country named in the sales contract. 边境交货价(简写为DAF):用于卖方必须按销售合同在指定的国家边境交付的货物。
Parameters Estimation of Multi-Component LFM Signal Based on DAF 基于DAF的多分量LFM信号参数估计
Do not send contributions for the DAF to an RI international office or other fiscal agents of Rotary. 请勿将捐赠给DAF的款项寄至国际扶轮办公室,或扶轮其他财务单位。
Advances of structure and function of DAF 衰变加速因子结构及其功能研究进展
Identification of epitopes of McAbs and related function provide a new way to complete understand structural and functional correlation of DAF. 对单抗作用表位的确定以及结构功能相互关系的探讨则为全面了解DAF的结构与功能提供了新的研究思路与实验基础。
Efficiency of treatment for low temperature and low turbidity water by DAF can be improved, but it will lead to relatively large amount of consumption of chemical and energy. 采用气浮工艺可以提高低温低浊处理效果,但投药量较大且气浮系统的能耗较高。
The expression of DAF was assayed by flow cytometry. 通过流式细胞仪检测转染细胞DAF的表达情况。
CAT almost completely inhibited the increase of DAF fluorescence induced by ABA. H2O2的清除剂CAT几乎可完全抑制ABA所诱导的DAF的荧光增加;
Conclusions: The expression of DAF is deficient in RSA. 结论:反复自然流产患者DAF表达不足;
From 18-43 days after flowering ( DAF), Chlorophyll was contained in amyloplasts of soybean cotyledon cells. 大豆开花后18~43天,子叶细胞含叶绿素。
Compared with DAF, CAP has the advantages of lower operation expenditure, higher efficiency and simpler structure. 与DAF法相比,CAF法具有设备简单、运行费用低和处理效果好的优点。
Application of DAF Colorimetric Assay to Detecting Complement-dependent Cytotoxicity in Serum DAF比色试验在检测血清补体依赖性细胞毒作用中的应用
Conclusion Human DAF protects mouse cells from injuring by human complement. 结论人类的DAF可以保护小鼠细胞不受补体的破坏。
In this paper, some impurities including dissolved and colloidal substances ( DCS) of process water in newsprint mill are analyzed and the efficiency of DAF in DCS removal is evaluated. 对新闻纸厂过程用水溶解物和胶体物(DCS)的来源进行了分析,并对气浮池去除DCS的效率进行了评价。
Cloning and Expression of Human Complement Regulatory Protein Gene MCP and DAF in Escherichia coli 人补体调节蛋白基因MCP和DAF的克隆及其在E.coli中的表达
According to coagulation theory, the coagulating pretreatment of the process water in a newsprint mill was carried out. 本文根据絮凝基本理论知识,以我国南方某造纸厂造纸车间DAF出口处的过程水作为试验原水进行了絮凝预处理试验。
Objective: To construct the recombinant human decay accelerating factor gene using UI enhancer for high-performance expression in xenotransplantation. 目的:构建含杂合增强子UI的人衰变加速因子(DAF)重组基因的表达载体,应用于转基因动物克服异种器官移植排斥反应的研究。
Removal of Humic Acid in Water by Enhanced Coagulation-dissolved Air Flotation ( DAF) Process 强化混凝-溶气气浮(DAF)工艺去除水中腐殖酸的研究
Obtained DNA fingerprinting of Magnoliae officinalis by RAPD and DAF. 采用DAF和RAPD获得了厚朴的DNA指纹图谱。
In this paper the high effective coagulation/ flocculation-DAF integrated system was preliminarily studied. 对高效凝聚/絮凝DAF集成系统进行了初步的研究。
Methods Human DAF was purified from human erythrocyte ghost by trypsin digestion, butanol extraction, sequential chromatography on DE32 and immunoaffinity chromatography. 方法经胰蛋白酶消化、正丁醇抽提及DE32离子交换色谱和抗体亲和层析等步骤从人红细胞膜影中分离纯化人红细胞膜DAF。
Comparing with the random wave analysis, the regular wave analysis is a more effective method to calculate DAF. 与随机波时域方法相比,规则波时域方法计算参数明确,计算省时,且计算结果较为保守,是一种更为有效的计算DAF的方法。
On this basis, determine the level and pressure of dissolved gas as the core of the control system. Establish a mathematical model of DAF process. 在此基础上,确定了以压力和液位作为溶气系统的控制核心,建立气浮工艺的数学模型。