Dalrymple clarifies privately that his sources did not rule out an iPhone announcement in another venue besides WWDC. 同时,道里姆波尔私下里亦进一步解释说,他在苹果的线人并未排除在全球开发人员大会外,苹果在其他场合发布iPhone的可能性。
Dalrymple: "when Windows 8 is released and millions of people choose that over the iPad, then you can safely say that Microsoft ushered in something& until then, they have nothing." 达尔瑞普:“等Windows8发布,人们纷纷抛弃iPad,转投Windows8的时候,再说微软带领我们进入了什么新的时代吧&否则,一切都是空谈。”
Siegler has proved over the years to have excellent Apple sources and Dalrymple, who was the news director at Macworld for nearly a decade, may have even better. 多年以来,事实早已证明,西格勒在苹果公司有极佳的新闻来源,而达林普的新闻来源可能更加可靠,他曾担任《苹果世界》(Macworld)的新闻总监近10年之久。
Dalrymple: "I just threw up in my mouth." 达尔瑞普:“我简直要吐了。”
Richards Bay in South Africa and the Australian coal terminals at Dalrymple Bay, Hay Point, Gladstone and Newcastle endure constraints that force vessels to wait weeks before they are able to load their cargo. 南非RichardsBay以及澳大利亚的DalrympleBay、HayPoint、Gladstone和Newcastle等煤炭码头都存在瓶颈,往往迫使船舶等待数周才能装货。
They were only asked, she was sure, because Lady Dalrymple being kept at home by a bad cold, was glad to make use of the relationship which had been so pressed on her; 她知道,他们之所以受到邀请,那是因为达尔林普尔夫人得了重感冒,给关在家里,于是便想利用一下强加给她的这门亲戚关系。
It has been suggested by authors writing on the British in India ( e.g. William Dalrymple and Lawrence James) that the British were more tolerant in the 17th and early 18th centuries, than they were in the 19th. 一些作家以大英帝国在印度为题著书立说例如:威廉达尔林普(WilliamDalrymple)和劳伦斯詹姆斯(LawrenceJames)。他们提出,英国人在17、18世纪比19世纪更为宽容。
Amy Chua: I rely on and cite Dalrymple and James in my book. 蔡美儿:我的书引用了达尔林普和詹姆斯的话,并以之为论据。