At Davos this year, leaders discussed the importance of return on human capital ( ROHC). 在今年的达沃斯论坛上,很多领导者都讨论了回归人力资本的重要性。
I spent four days at the world economic forum in Davos in pursuit of promising ideas. 我在达沃斯世界经济论坛上花费了四天的时间,寻找大有希望的想法。
I experienced this pessimism personally in Davos in January 2014. 2014年1月,我在达沃斯亲身感受到了这种悲观情绪。
The report was released Monday ahead of the annual World Economic Forum meeting this week in Davos, Switzerland. 这份报告于星期一发表,世界经济论坛年度会议本周将在瑞士城市达沃斯召开。
Do you think the World Economic Forum gets unfairly blamed for the low number of women at Davos? 由于参会的女性非常少,达沃斯世界经济论坛遭受了不少指责,你认为这些批评公正吗?
But what would be a better title for this year's Davos? 可是为今年的达沃斯取个什么名称比较合适呢?
Just today, my first day at Davos, someone approached me to discuss making an investment in microfinance. 就在今天,我在达沃斯的第一天,一些人与我接触,共同讨论了向小额信贷投资的问题。
This is my principal lesson from Davos. 这就是我从达沃斯汲取到的最主要教训。
I wonder whether Davos itself might not become the next victim of the globalisation crisis. 我怀疑达沃斯本身会不会成为全球化危机的下一个受害者。
Everyone I spoke to at Davos was unequivocally in favour of increasing support for science. 我在达沃斯论坛上的每个交谈对象都毫不含糊地认同增加对科学的支持。
Some globocrats think the importance of forums like Davos is overstated. 一些全球大佬认为达沃斯论坛之流的重要性被高估了。
He says he has enjoyed trips to Davos in the past but will not attend this year. 他声称自己过去很享受达沃斯之旅,但今年不会再出席了。
Davos next week and the G7 meeting thereafter will be good venues to thrash all this out. 下周的达沃斯论坛及之后的G7会议将是商讨这些问题的好场所。
B.Teachers'Day, the Davos Forum and Beijing Pop Music Festival. 教师节,达沃斯论坛和北京流行音乐节。
What solutions were on offer at Davos? 达沃斯论坛提出了什么解决方法呢?
The theme of this year's Summer Davos Forum is "The Next Wave of Growth". 这一届达沃斯论坛的主题是“下一个增长浪潮”。
Davos is not unique in this respect. 达沃斯在这方面并不是唯一的。
That's what makes Davos so special: it's really an interdisciplinary meeting. 施瓦布表示:这就是达沃斯的特别之处:它确实是一个跨学科会议。
Disappearing bankers pose a problem for Davos in a couple of respects. 从两个方面来看,银行家缺席给达沃斯带来了问题。
In some ways, this year's Davos emphasised how universal these ideas now are. 从某些方面而言,今年的达沃斯论坛强调了这些观念如今是多么地普遍。
In the 1980s, Davos played a big role in focusing thinking on the developing world. 20世纪80年代,达沃斯在重点思考发展中世界问题上发挥了重大作用。
On Thursday morning in Davos, the financial times co-hosted a breakfast with HSBC to discuss emerging markets. 上周四早晨在达沃斯,英国《金融时报》与汇丰银行(hsbc)联合举办了一次早餐会,讨论新兴市场问题。
The WEF is an isolated international committee, and it is also called "Davos Forum". 世界经济论坛是一个独立的国际机构,又称达沃斯论坛。
Since the financial crisis, however, the ideas promoted at Davos have lost public confidence and support. 然而在金融危机之后,达沃斯倡导的理念却失去了公众的信任和支持。
I HAVE BEEN ATTENDING DAVOS FOR two decades and have always found it to be a deeply inspiring event. 我参加达沃斯论坛已有20年了,一直觉得这是一项极富感染力的活动。
In February 1991, I was invited to attend the World Economic Forum in Davos. 1991年2月,我应邀参加达沃斯世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)。
But there were signs in Davos that the worst fears of business leaders have eased. 但在达沃斯也有迹象表明,商界领袖最担忧的事情已有所缓和。
The struggle for these three basic commodities food, energy and water came up repeatedly in Davos. 对食品、能源和水资源这三种基本商品的争夺,是达沃斯论坛上反复出现的主题。
But Davos will never again be the same for me. 然而对我来说,达沃斯从此定将不同。
Thus, over the years, Davos developed in size and breadth. 因此,这么多年来,达沃斯在规模和广度上不断发展。