The chemical components in tall oil are analyzed by DEAE-Sephadex ion exchange chromatography. 利用DEAE&Sephadex离子交换色谱技术对塔罗油的化学组成进行了分析。
Comparison between DEAE-Sephadex and Q Sepharose in Chromatography of Lipopolysaccharide from Plant Origin 二乙氨乙基交联葡聚糖和季氨基琼脂糖色谱分离植物脂多糖的比较
An analysis of the acetone extractives of Paper Mulberry Bark by DEAE-Sephadex column and GC-MS 构树皮丙酮抽出物的DEAESephadex分离及GCMS分析
DEAE-Sephadex ion exchange chromatography fractionated the extractives into neutrals, weak acids and strong acids, and the neutrals were further separated into saponifiables and unsaponifiables through saponification. acetone; DEAE-Sephadex高子交换色谱可以把丙酮抽出物分离成中性组分、弱酸性组分和强酸性组分,中性组分皂化后可进一步分离成皂化物和不皂化物。