DRC, as you all know, is a preeminent think tank in China under the State Council, with an impressive capacity for research and valuable insights into policy making in China. 正如在座的诸位所知,国研中心是中国国务院下属的一个卓越智库,具备很强的政策研究能力和决策洞察力。
It follows on the heels of the China 2030 Report that DRC and the World Bank did two years ago. 该报告是继两年前国研中心和世行联合编写的《2030年的中国》报告之后的又一重要报告。
As we said in an earlier report produced with the DRC China 2030 we support phased reform of the household registration system, or hukou, giving migrants affordable access to urban services. 正如我们在早些时候与发展研究中心合作的一份报告《2030年的中国》所指出,我们支持逐步推进户口制度改革,给流动人口提供负担得起的城市服务。
So if you go to the border of the DRC with Rwanda, you find there are 17 agencies at the border, each trying to get some money off traders as they cross the border and, even worse, harassing them in some cases. 如果你到卢旺达与刚果的边界,你会发现有17家机构在边境,每个人都想靠越界从交易者身上赚取利润,而更糟的是,在某些情况下管理他们成了老大难问题。
Malaria is the number one killer of children under five in the Democratic Republic of Congo ( DRC)– a country with the highest number of child deaths in the world. 刚果(金)是世界上儿童死亡率最高的国家,至少有五分之一的儿童在年满五岁之前就早早夭折。
Research on Bi-objective Scheduling Optimization for DRC Job Shop 双资源作业车间双目标调度优化研究
"Rural migrant workers are marginalised in cities, treated as mere cheap labour, not absorbed by cities but even neglected, discriminated against and harmed," the report by the State Council Development Research Center said. 国务院发展研究中心(drc)的报告称,目前农民工在城市遭遇“边缘化”,仅被当作廉价劳动力对待,非但没有被城市吸收,反而遭到忽视、歧视和伤害。
DRC-clamped inverter for direct-drive wind power system 适合直接驱动型风力发电系统的DRC混合箝位变流器研究
The Verification for the Ultrasonic Attenuation Estimation in Vivo Using the DRC Method 差比校正法体内声衰减测试的临床验证
I would like to join the Chairman in extending my condolence to his family and the government of DRC. 我请求年会主席代为转达我对富塔部长家人和刚果政府的哀悼。
Relationship Between DRC and Nugget Diameter of High Temperature Alloy in Spot Welding 高温合金点焊动态电阻曲线与熔核直径的关系
The financial crisis aside, DRC is facing a huge humanitarian and security crisis in the east brought on by armed conflict. 抛开这场金融危机不谈,刚果(金)东部地区正面临着武装冲突导致的巨大人道主义和安全危机。
Spread by body fluids, the blood-borne disease, Ebola was named after a small DRC river where it was discovered in1976. 埃博拉出血热是血源性疾病,可通过体液传播,因1976年在刚果共和国的一条叫埃博拉的小河流域中发现该病毒而得名。
In the analysis subsystem, the problem of GOA, DRC and NPE are investigated emphatically. 在分析子系统中,著重论述图形运算及分析、设计规则检查、网表及参数提取等问题。
While malaria accounts for40 percent of all child deaths in the country, all of the population of the DRC is vulnerable to the disease. 在刚果(金),尽管因疟疾而死亡的儿童人数占该国总死亡人数的40%,但该国的成年人口也容易患上这种病。
The DRC is a country in which less than one percent of all children sleep under an insecticide treated bed net. 在刚果(金),只有不到百分之一的儿童能够在经过杀虫剂处理过的蚊帐下安稳地睡觉。
The European Union has ceasefire monitors in Georgia and is helping to build police or armed forces from the DRC to Afghanistan, from Kosovo to Palestine. 欧盟(EU)在格鲁吉亚设立了停火监察员,并正帮助很多国家组建警力或武装力量,从刚果共和国到阿富汗,从科索沃到巴勒斯坦。
This load-shedding program has significant influence on the application of the DRC program and the realization of energy saving and emission reduction for power companies in China. 此研究对于国内电力系统的改革以及促进节能减排目标的实现有借鉴意义。
He called it nonsense that the two corporations might come to terms with the DRC without any action under such circumstances. 他认为,在目前的情况下,如果两个企业什么都没做,说发改委与企业可能达成和解完全是瞎编。
Among the background papers was one prepared by economists at the DRC, entitled Ten-year Outlook: Decline of Potential Growth Rate and Start of a New Phase of Growth. 背景论文中有一篇国务院发展研究中心经济学家撰写的文章,题为十年展望:潜在增长率下降以及新增长阶段的开始(Ten-yearOutlook:DeclineofPotentialGrowthRateandStartofaNewPhaseofGrowth)。
This is a Deferred Reference Counting ( DRC) mechanism combined with an incremental, conservative mark/ sweep collector. 它采用了一种延迟引用计数(DeferredReferenceCounting,DRC)机制,并结合一个增量的、保守的标记/清除收集器。
Brief Introduction of Aid Congo ( DRC) Kinshasa Ndjili General Hospital Project Design 浅谈援刚果(金)金沙萨恩吉利医院综合楼的结构设计
Random error exists not only in toxicity experiments but also in the fitting of dose-response curves ( DRC). 毒性实验存在随机误差,同时剂量-效应曲线(DRC)拟合也会产生误差。
And it's also depended on the personal connections that we sort of develop, which is why DRC is a good place but we start with Dan's experience and his context there. 这么选择也是由我们具备的个人关系决定的,这就是为什么刚果,是个好选择,而我们却从,丹的经历和内容着手。
This spokeman told the press, President musaiweni's decision was made after meeting with engongji, special envoy of UN Secretary General to DRC on13th in Uganda capital, kanpala. 这位发言人对新闻界说,穆塞韦尼总统的决定是13日在乌干达首都坎帕拉同联合国秘书长派驻刚果(金)的特别代表恩贡基举行会谈后作出的。
Of course, everyone knows that you cannot simply turn the DRC economy into the British economy by doubling the quantities of all the ingredients. 当然,所有人都知道,你不可能只将刚果经济所有要素的数量翻倍就使其转变为英国经济。
The vapor concentration in the booth should be inspected according to the regulations. Two verification methods as DRC and LVS will be needed after layout design. 对舱室内溶剂蒸汽的浓度,要按规则检查测试。在完成版图设计后,还进行了几何规则检查和版图与电路一致性的检查。
Laporte, who is helping the DRC's Ministry of Environment develop a national REDD strategy, says that's too little and took too long ( two years) to get. Laporte正在帮助该国的环境部制定一个全国REDD策略,她说资金太少,而且需要太长的时间(2年)才能获得。
Domestic resource cost-DRC: Cost of resources used in products that are not imported. 国内资源成本(简写为DRC):在产品中使用的非进口资源的成本。
Malaria is the number one killer of children in DRC, accounting for40 percent of child deaths. 疟疾是刚果(金)儿童的第一杀手,它导致的死亡人数占该国儿童死亡总数的40%。