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  1. After Chancellor Bill Goetz and new DSU President D.C. Coston made the public disclosure, Doug LaPlante, dean of education, business and applied sciences was found dead in a park near campus of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
  2. Another 160 Chinese students in DSU's international program don't have either the right credentials or paperwork to be at the school and a small number of those are waiting for degrees that now won't be coming.
  3. In addition to speed, decorate-sort-undecorate ( DSU) offers flexibility that sort with a comparison function argument just can't match.
  4. In 1999, the HKSAR continued to play an active part in the extended review of the DSU which aimed to identify if any areas of the DSU should be improved or changed.
  5. Availability should be systematically monitored through service-level validation devices attached to WAN interfaces, such as intelligent DSU/ CSUs.
  6. Comparing analysis between data from analog geophone and DSU
  7. The Amicus Curiae has become one of the most heated discuss topics in the DSU for the expert group and the appellate body treat the statement of Amicus Curiae as the source of seeking information.
  8. The Dispute Settlement Understanding ( DSU) shall apply to such consultations.
  9. The JDSU Frequency Converted Diode technology ensures consistency in the manufacturing process.
  10. The WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding ( DSU) sets out the rules and procedures applying to consultations and settlement of disputes between member governments concerning their rights and obligations under the provisions of the WTO Agreements.
  11. On the other hand, the installation of retaliation, especially the introduction of cross-retaliation, to a great extent, strengthens WTO regular coercive enforcement.
  12. Altogether, the DSU strengthened the retaliation system.
  13. Although DSU is one significant achievement of WTO, there still exist institutional and procedural deficiencies. Considering so many unresolved disputes and suggestions from WTO members, the rules and procedures of dispute settlement is necessary to be further improved.
  14. However, to many WTO Members, not all the international trade disputes are appropriate for resolution in WTO dispute settlement proceedings.
  15. It first reviews the rules and procedures governing the implementation of GATT recommendations or rulings, and then analyzes the corresponding DSU rules and procedures and their improvements over those in GATT.
  16. The panel procedure of DSU has made successful innovations in solving international economic dispute in many aspects.
  17. The article firstly generalizes the origin, features and operation of the DSU. Secondly, it introduces the law and practice of some members of the WTO, mainly consisting of the USA, the EU and some developing countries.
  18. Negotiations to review and reform the DSU have been taking place since 1997 ( "DSU review"), however, without yielding any result so far.
  19. Under the background of improving the DSU, the reformation of third party system should be carried out with that of related systems in the WTO dispute settlement mechanism. That will result in good effects.
  20. The arbitration within the WTO is the integrated system which serve the general arbitration as the chief clause, the special arbitration as the assistant clause and the arbitration under the covered agreement out of DSU as the subsidiary.
  21. The fourth part summarizes the preconditions of applying WTO DSU to the field of competition law and the correspondent countermeasures adopted by out country.
  22. By the rules of DSU, the problem of third party intervention in the WTO dispute settlement proceedings has been theorized and standardized, which makes the problem of third party intervention "emerge from under the water".
  23. DSU and Characters of State Responsibility Under WTO Chinese and Europe Union textile trade conflict analysis and countermeasure research
  24. WTO/ DSB accepts trade disputes or trade-related disputes. According to the relevant provisions of DSU and the practice of the DSB cases, WTO/ DSB may accept Sino-US disputes over currency exchange rate.
  25. Adopted by the Uruguay Round negotiations "understanding on rules and procedures governing the settlement of disputes" ( DSU) for the World Trade Organization ( WTO) established a set of international economic law of the international judicial system characteristics.
  26. The Appellate and Review Procedures of WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures is a new international trade dispute settlement procedures, the DSU set out a series of the review rules and procedures.
  27. In order to ensure that the dispute resolution institution ( DSB) advice and ruling carried out, DSU stipulates three executive means: not in conformity with the withdrawal of the WTO agreement, the compensation and measures of retaliation.
  28. But the DSU arbitration mechanism ( ARBITRATION) were rarely discussed, even though they mentioned, did not engage in in-depth analysis and systematic studies.
  29. First of all, provisions of RMB dispute with WTO dispute settlement mechanism of the core-DSU.