The cost will soon compare to that of the DTL circuits. 其成本将很快和DTL电路相仿。
The Research of the Beam Phase and Energy Test System for DTL in the Proton Accelerator of CSNS 散裂中子源质子加速器束流相位和能量测试系统设计探讨欧洲核子研究中心同步回旋加速器
"Application of the Transistor Charge Control Model to Predict RTL and DTL Transient Response" 应用晶体管电荷控制模型预示电阻-晶体管逻辑和二极管-三极管逻辑电路的瞬态响应
Changes in view of DTL/ 1000 belt type conveyer in movement process to drum changing is bent at knees the phenomenon to axis to carry on analyzes and proposes concrete solution measure. 针对DTL/1000型带式输送机在运行过程中改向滚筒的改向轴被折弯现象进行分析并提出具体解决措施。
Watershed land use condition was updated swiftly, watershed land use status map was made, through vector-grid overlap of land use status map and DOQ, distillation characteristic data and updating data. 通过土地利用现状图(DTL)与DOQ矢栅叠加,提取特征数据并更新数据的方法,对流域土地利用进行快速更新,完成流域土地利用现状图的制作。
Our objective is to determine the difference between the motion of the regional wall along the long and short axes and the alteration of the DTl spectra in the acute myocardial ischemia. 本研究的目的在于探讨局部心肌长轴和短轴方向运动的差异以及急性缺血状态下局部心肌运动频谱的改变,并试图分析实验研究和临床应用中的一些常见错误。
DTL/ 1000 Belt Type Conveyer Changes to Drum Improvement DTL/1000型带式输送机改向滚筒的改进
Background and objective: Hie technique of Doppler tissue imaging ( DTl) can provide the real-time information of the direction and velocity of regional wall motion, which gives us a new method for quantitative analysis of myocardial function. 背景和目的:多普勒组织成像(DTI)技术可实时显示局部心肌的运动方向和速度,为定量分析心肌功能提供了方便准确的新方法。
Tissue Doppler Imagine ( DTI) is an ultrasonic technique that can be applied to analyse myocardial motion objectively and quantitatively. With pulsed-wave DTI ( PW-DTI) myocardial motion velocity can be measured directly. 多普勒组织成像技术(DTl)是一项能客观、定量地反映心肌运动和功能的超声诊断技术,脉冲DTI(PW&DTI)的指标量化性更佳,能直接测定室壁运动速度。
Test of photopic negative response of electroretinogram with DTL electrode in normal Chinese subjects 用DTL电极测量我国正常人视网膜电图的明视负波反应