For the regions that are in the same latitudinal zone the trends of DTR changes are different because of different geographical backgrounds. 在相同纬度带上,由于地理状况的不同,变化趋势有所不同。
The DTR is the switching fabric the connects the C-Ports within DTR concentrator. DTR是一种交换结构,在DTR集中器内把C口连接起来。
The C-Ports provide the basic connectivity from the device to token-ring stations, classic concentrators or other DTR concentrators. C口提供了DTR集中器与令牌环网站、标准集中器和其它DTR集中器的基本连接。
The effect of the resulting NO2 on atmosphere varies according to the height and latitude at which the emission occurs. For the regions that are in the same latitudinal zone the trends of DTR changes are different because of different geographical backgrounds. 氧化氮对大气层的影响因排放高度和排放纬度的不同而不同。在相同纬度带上,由于地理状况的不同,变化趋势有所不同。
The DTR concentrator consists of C-Ports and a data transfer unit ( DTU). DTR集中器由C-Ports(集中器端口,简称C口)和数据传输器(DTU)组成。
Because of this cross connection, the DTR output line can be used for simple flow control. 因为这种交叉连接,DTR输出线可以被用来简单的流量控制。
The primary endpoint was objective response rate ( ORR), and the second endpoints were the durative time of remission ( DTR), time of tumor progression ( TTP), time of treatment failure ( TTF), safety assessment and adverse events. 主要终点指标是客观肿瘤缓解率(ORR),次要终点指标是肿瘤缓解持续时间(DTR)、肿瘤进展时间(TTP)、肿瘤治疗失败时间(TTF)、安全性评估和毒副反应。
Ultra-high density information storage technology has become the commanding height of storage technology. Discrete track recording ( DTR) media, as an effective approach to achieve higher storage density, is hopeful to attain storage density of 1Tbit/ in2, therefore, has received widespread attention. 超高密度存储技术已经成为信息存储技术的制高点,离散磁道式磁盘作为提高存储密度的有效手段,有望达到1Tbit/in2的存储密度,因而得到了广泛的关注。
First, effects of properties of different media materials under different contact status are researched with different research methods. Second, geometry parameters of models are changed in order to clarify effects of different geometry parameters of DTR media. Finally, impacts of contact conditions are investigated. 首先采用不同的研究方法,分析了不同接触状态下磁盘材料的影响规律;其次改变模型几何参数,阐明了不同接触状态下磁盘几何参数的影响规律;最后研究了接触条件的影响规律。