Amazon's beauty store manager Charlotte Green said: From the natural silver of Dame Judi Dench to the graduated green-to-grey look as seen on Lady Gaga, it's a striking style choice for all ages. 亚马逊的美容店经理夏洛特•格林说:从朱迪•丹奇女爵士的自然灰发到LadyGaga的绿灰色系,这是所有年龄段都可选择的一种醒目潮流。
John Escolme and Jean Dong talk about well-known British actress Judi Dench, and famous American film director Steven Spielberg. JohnEscolme和董征在本期节目中聚焦英国著名女演员朱迪▪丹奇和美国著名电影导演斯蒂芬▪斯皮尔伯格。
Dame Judi Dench is another double nominee-a best actress Oscar and a nominee in the list of sexy older women. 朱迪·丹齐是另一个被提名的女星&不但入围本届奥斯卡最佳女主角候选名单,也同时入选了世界性感老牌影星排行榜。