Denham, who was a friend of Hamilton's thought he ought to be acquainted with it; 田纳是汉密顿的一个朋友,认为我应当告诉汉密顿这封信的内容。
Carl Denham: Monsters belong in B movies. 卡尔?丹汉姆:只有B级片中才有怪兽。
But Carl denham's made some interesting pictures. 卡尔丹汉拍过不少好片。
Leigh rented a house in the country near denham. 慧云李于德纳姆附近租了一间屋。
I found my friend denham, and opened the whole affair to him. 我找到朋友德纳姆,向他谈了全部情况。
And as you can see, it's a Denham picture. 你们可见这是单翰电影。
Police Lieutenant: Well, Denham, the airplanes got him. 中尉:好的,邓汗,飞机把它带走了。
That's Carl Denham in a nutshell. 简单来说,那就是卡尔丹汉。
You cannot have a position with Capital Spreads without having a stop-loss, explains Denham. 如果没有止损指令,你无法在CapitalSpreads建立头寸,德纳姆解释道。
This is what we get for our$ 40000, denham? 丹汉姆,就是这花了我们四万美元?
To Denham came extras, writers and technicians. 临时演员,编剧和技工涌到德纳姆。
Carl Denham: I keep telling you, Jack, there's no money in theater. That's why you should stick with film. 卡尔?丹汉姆:杰克,我已经不止一遍地说过了,搞戏剧挣不到钱,你应该改行专职写电影剧本。
John Denham, whose title is secretary for innovation, universities and skills, told the Financial Times: There are certainly young people who currently go to university who would have been better off on an Advanced Apprenticeship. 创新、大学和技能事务大臣约翰•德纳姆(JohnDenham)向英国《金融时报》表示:的确有一些正在上大学的年轻人,如果去学习高级技能的话,境况会更好。
As temperatures plunged on the mountainside to-17 Denham said he built a small cave to shelter from the freezing weather and the powder snow blowing across the mountain. 当时山上气温降至零下17摄氏度,德纳姆按照格里尔斯在节目中教的那样,搭建小洞穴躲避风雪和酷寒。