Middlesex defeated Derbyshire by bowling out the opposition. 米德尔塞克斯队将德比郡队的所有队员都投杀出局,击败了对方。
Detectives are liaising with Derbyshire police following the bomb explosion early today 今天早些时候的炸弹爆炸案发生后,警探正与德比郡警方紧密合作。
Darcy, as well as Elizabeth, really loved them; and they were both ever sensible of the warmest gratitude towards the persons who, by bringing her into Derbyshire, had been the means of uniting them. 达西和伊丽莎白都衷心喜爱他们,又一直感激他们,原来多亏他们把伊丽莎白带到德比郡来,才成全了新夫妇这一段姻缘。
Derbyshire police said the suspects were detained after officers wrote to a group of people who had evaded arrest for several months. 英国德比郡的警察们给这些在逃数月的嫌犯们写了一份免费领取啤酒的信件,于是乎,有19位倒霉蛋被抓到了。
The sting was carried out as part of a month-long campaign targeting serious crime across north Derbyshire. 此次诱捕行动是北德比郡为期一月的警方行动的一部分,旨在打击严重犯罪。
Competitors will try to break the current world record, which is held by Ken Edwards of Derbyshire, England, who devoured 36 Madagascar hissing cockroaches in one minute in 2001. 目前纪录的保持者是英国德贝郡的肯·爱德华兹,他曾于2001年在一分钟内吞下36只马达加斯加发声蟑螂。
A small part of Derbyshire is all the present concern. 现在只讲一讲德比郡的一小部分。
I should be sorry, you know, to think ill of a young man who has lived so long in Derbyshire. 你知道,在德比郡住了这么久的一个青年,我是不忍心说他坏话的。
From what I can collect, he left Derbyshire only one day after ourselves, and came to town with the resolution of hunting for them. 据我看,我们离开德比郡的第二天,达西就动身赶到城里来找他们了。
Mrs. Gardiner went away in all the perplexity about Elizabeth and her Derbyshire friend that had attended her from that part of the world. 嘉丁纳太太走了以后,对伊丽莎白和德比郡她那位朋友的事,还是糊里糊涂,从当初在德比郡的时候起,就一直弄不明白。
He was not seated by her; perhaps that was the reason of his silence; but it had not been so in Derbyshire. 他所以沉默寡言,也许是因为他没有坐在她身边的缘故,不过上次在德比郡,他却不是这样。
She knew but little of their meeting in Derbyshire, and therefore felt for the awkwardness which must attend her sister, in seeing him almost for the first time after receiving his explanatory letter. 她完全不知道妹妹在德比郡跟达西会面的事,因此觉得妹妹自从收到他那封解释的信以后,这回第一次跟他见面,一定会觉得很窘。
His behaviour to us has, in every respect, been as pleasing as when we were in Derbyshire. 他对待我们的态度,从任何方面来说,都跟我们在德比郡的时候同样讨人喜爱。
Oh! if that is all, I have a very poor opinion of young men who live in Derbyshire; and their intimate friends who live in Hertfordshire are not much better. I am sick of them all. 噢,要是光光就凭这点理由,我才看不起那些住在德比郡的青年人呢,他们住在哈福德郡的那批知已朋友们,也好不了多少。
With the mention of Derbyshire, there were many ideas connected. 一提到德比郡,就免不了勾起多少联想。
This ancient custom is popular all over Derbyshire and is thought to date back to the Celts or even earlier. 这个古老的习俗在德比郡各处都十分受欢迎,据说起源于凯尔特人时代,甚至更早。
About a month, said Elizabeth; and then, unwilling to let the subject drop, added, He is a man of very large property in Derbyshire, I understand. 伊丽莎白说:大概有一个月了。为了不愿意让这个话题放松过去,她又接着说:据我所知,他是德比郡一个大财主。
A lot of people underestimate how many calories are in our food, said Mrs Bond, of Spring Vale Dietetic Clinic in Derbyshire. 很多人低估了我们吃的食物的卡路里含量,德比郡诊所的邦德女士说。
Reduced prices will also be offered on stays on the Royal yacht Britannia, now moored in Leith, Edinburgh, and visits to Chatsworth, the historic house in Derbyshire. 乘坐皇家游艇不列颠号和德比郡古宅查茨沃斯庄园游也将提供减价优惠。该游艇现在停泊在爱丁堡利斯港口。
A Derbyshire man who believes the Olympics should mark the efforts of those who come fourth in their event, has created a new medal. 一名德比郡的老先生为肯定在奥运比赛中获得第四名的运动员,创造了一种新的奖牌。
Two unknown British filmmakers have captured the imagination of Hollywood with a trailer filmed in Derbyshire for their action war epic The Lost Emperor. 两位名不见经传的英国电影制片人,在德比郡为中国史诗战争动作片《英雄帝国》拍了一支预告片,希望能够成功吸引来好莱坞的注意。
The Peak District ( area in Derbyshire, England where there are many peaks ( peak) 皮克区(英格兰德比郡北部行政区,该处多高峰)。
10000a year, and he owns half of derbyshire. 10000英镑一年,而且他拥有半个德比郡。
Mum Lillian Derbyshire is going to see her four daughters again? After A31 year holiday! 莉莉安?德比希尔妈妈在经历31年的假期后将重见她的4个女儿。
A strong dark English ale ( brewed at Burton-on-Trent in Derbyshire). 味浓的黑的英国浓啤酒(在德贝郡的伯顿和特伦特酿造)。
Christopher nieper, who owns David nieper, a Womenswear manufacturer based in Derbyshire, prizes his semi-retired workers, who can be employed at short notice and do not need to work full-time to survive. 一家总部位于德比郡的女装制造商的老板克里斯多夫,很珍视他的半退休员工们,这些人可在短时间内上工且并不需要全职工作来谋生。
Had she not seen him in Derbyshire, she might have supposed him capable of coming there with no other view than what was acknowledged; 我见到他也可以装得若无其事;只是听到人家老是谈起这件事,我实在有些受不了。
1848 George Stephenson. English engineer, who constructed the first railway in England, died in Derbyshire. 修建英国第一条铁路的英国工程师乔治·斯蒂芬森在德比郡逝世。