Rene Descartes found a way to study geometric problems by methods of algebra called analytic geometry. 雷恩·第斯卡兹发现一种用代数方法研究几何问题的方法,称为解析几何学。
People have always sought knowledge, of course, but in Western Europe at that time, men like Galileo, Newton and Descartes began to search systematically for ways to understand and control their environment. 当然,人们一直都在探索知识,但是在当时的西欧,像伽利略、牛顿和笛卡尔这样的人开始系统地寻求了解和支配周围环境的方式。
Descartes coordinate modeling of multibody systems dynamics is adopted in the thesis. 采用多体动力学笛卡尔坐标建模形式,开发软件进行研究。
Almost every great occident philosopher discussed this problem after Descartes. 笛卡尔以后,几乎所有伟大的西方哲学家都对主体问题进行了深刻的探讨。
Well Isaac Newton can be seen as following both Descartes and there for Galileo and Boyle. 接着我们来看艾萨克牛顿,他承袭了笛卡尔,伽利略和波义耳的研究成果。
The same holds good of the innate ideas that we find in Descartes and the Scotch philosophers. 笛卡尔和那些苏格拉底哲学家所提出的天赋观念也是同样的道理。
Both Aristotle and Plato believed, like Descartes and later Einstein, that the principles of nature exist out of "necessity," that is, because they are the only rules that make logical sense. 像笛卡尔和之后的爱因斯坦一样,亚里士多德和柏拉图认为,自然原理的存在超越了必然性,也就是说,因为它们是合乎逻辑的唯一规则。
So Descartes theory which had never been that popular in Britain in anyway was discredited. 这么一来笛卡尔的理论在英国开始站不住脚了,开始受到人们的怀疑了。
Descartes puts forwards the method of general doubt to counteract the fideism in scholasticism and skepticism. 笛卡尔为了对抗经院哲学的盲目信仰主义和怀疑论提出了普遍怀疑方法。
But whoa! Has Dr Descartes throw up his advantage? 但是,啊哈,笛卡尔博士丢弃了他的优势论证了吗?
Descartes raises the central questions of modem philosophy. 笛卡尔提出了现代哲学的核心问题。
If I have seen farther than Descartes, it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants. 如果我所见的比笛卡儿远一点,那是因为我站在巨人的肩上的缘故。
The challenge thrown out by Bacon and Descartes was quickly accepted. 贝肯和戴斯卡尔兹所提出的挑战很快地被接受了。
Modern systematic thought has a concentrated reflection in the philosophic thought of such philosophers as descartes, spinoza, leibniz, Kant and hegel. 近代的系统思想集中体现在笛卡尔、斯宾诺莎、莱布尼茨、康德和黑格尔等哲学家的思想中;
Gone were the dreams of Plato and Descartes of a philosophy beyond doubt. 柏拉图和笛卡儿超越怀疑的哲学梦想已经一去不复返了。
From the point of view of political philosophy, bacon and descartes, with their great efforts, accomplished the transition from the classic political philosophy to the modern political philosophy. 从政治哲学的角度来看,培根和笛卡尔都通过某种开创性的努力完成了从古典的政治哲学向现代政治哲学的转向;
The Significance of Innate Ideas and Adventitious Ideas in Descartes 'Rationalism 天赋观念和外来观念在笛卡尔唯理论哲学中的意义
Finally, Descartes 'philosophy promoted the construction of western modern scientific theory. 最后,笛卡尔哲学促进了西方近代科学理论的建构。
He had another argument for that which he drew from Descartes. 他关于笛卡尔的总结也引来了另一个争论。
And while he spent time in Europe, he met Galileo and Rene Descartes. 在欧洲时,他遇到了伽利略和笛卡尔。
The phenomenon is called the Descartes ray phenomenon. 这一现象称为圆柱形纤维的笛卡尔线现象。
Both Descartes and Husserl devoted themselves to questing for the certainty of philosophy. 《对笛卡尔〈沉思〉的诘难》笛卡尔和胡塞尔都追求哲学的确定性。
In Wittgenstein's works, there is not a single work which does not mention Descartes. 维特根斯坦在其著述中,没有一处提到过笛卡儿。
From the seventeenth century to the late twentieth century, there emerged a modern science paradigm, which was based on the doctrines established by such scientists as galileo, bacon, Descartes and newton, with mechanism, determinism and reductionism as its characteristics. 从17世纪到20世纪晚期,在伽利略、培根、笛卡尔和牛顿等所创建理论的基础上,出现了一种以机械论、决定论和还原主义为特征的现代科学范式。
There were historical background and theory source for Descartes to form his distinctive philosophy thought. 笛卡尔形成他独具特色的哲学思想是有其历史背景和理论来源的。
Galileo and Descartes replaced that with the idea of inertia. 伽利略和笛卡尔用惯性的概念将其取代。
These shortcomings are closely related with linear and closed modernism mode of thinking popular since Newton and Descartes. 这些弊端的出现与自牛顿、笛卡尔以来的线性的、封闭的现代主义思维方式密切相关。
So Descartes arguments for dualism are not actually particularly strong ones. 这么看来事实上笛卡尔关于二元论的论据并不特别强而有力。
In the 17th century French philosopher Ren é Descartes enumerated a theory to explain how people sense pain. 17世纪的法国哲学家笛卡儿曾提出一个理论,来解释人们如何感觉疼痛。
Interpolating algorithm in Descartes coordinate system is investigated and the results about the cutter trajectories produced by two different interpolating methods are given. 研究了笛卡儿空间的插补算法,并比较了两种不同方法所产生的不同刀具插补轨迹。