The encyclopedists, Diderot at their head; the physiocrates, Turgot at their head; the philosophers, Voltaire at their head; the Utopians, Rousseau at their head,& these are four sacred legions. 以狄德罗为首的百科全书派,以杜尔哥①为首的重农学派,以伏尔泰为首的哲学家,以卢梭为首的乌托邦主义者,这是四支神圣的大军。
It was made the subject of a pompous ( though not wholly serious) eulogy by Diderot, and was bought by the king, who had it reproduced at the Gobelins factory. 这是一个华而不实的主题(虽然不完全严重)的悼词由狄德罗,并买了由国王,曾在戈布兰工厂转载。
Affection is a tremendous strength, just as the18th century French enlightenment thinker diderot pointed out: "have no feelings the quality, any style are impossible to impress heart". 感情是一种巨大的力量,正如18世纪法国启蒙思想家狄德罗指出的:“没有感情这个品质,任何笔调都不可能打动人心”。
Diderot and Lessing: Pioneers of Realist Theatrical Theory 狄德罗与莱辛:现实主义戏剧理论的先驱
Vast mind, active imagination and diligent spirit, that is genius. Diderot精神的浩瀚,想象的活跃,心灵的勤奋就是天才。
In France school teachers are advised to avoid authors deemed offensive to Muslims, including Voltaire and Diderot; 在法国的学校里,教师们被告知要避免提及令穆斯林反感的作家,包括伏尔泰与狄德罗;
From this significance we can say that the most representative thinker of France Enlightenment in 18th century is Diderot. 从这个意义上说狄德罗是18世纪法国启蒙运动中具有代表性的思想家。
Based on the concept of technology defined by Denis Diderot, this paper reinterpreted the meanings of soft-technology. 本文以狄德罗所界定的技术含义为基础,重新解释了软技术的含义。
Great thinkers Diderot said: "The people who do not read, thinking it will stop." 大思想家狄德罗说:“不读书的人,思想就会停止。”
What's-his-name, the Frenchman Diderot, yes said you could; but what did he know about it Didn't you see those tears in my eyes when the train started? I hadn't forced them. 你没看见火车开时我眼睛里涌出的泪水吗?
Denis Diderot was one of the greatest philosophers and writers in the age of enlightenment in france. 狄德罗是法国启蒙时代伟大的思想家和作家。
Denis Diderot was one of the greatest philosophers and writers in the Age of Enlightenment in France. The Ideology of the Historian and the Wisdom of the Master& On Ideological Enlightenment and Cultural Reconstruction; 狄德罗是法国启蒙时代伟大的思想家和作家。史家之思师者之智&读《思想启蒙与文化重建》
Based on concept of technology defined by Denis Diderot, this paper defined the concept of soft-technology. 本文以狄德罗(Denis.Diderot)的技术概念为基点,界定了软技术的概念;
Rameau's Nephew is the most successful and representative philosophical novel by Diderot. 《拉摩的侄儿》是狄德罗为数不多的哲理小说作品中最成功、最有代表性的一部,影响深远。
From a feminine perspective, this paper interprets the image of sister existing in the novel of "Nuns" by Diderot, an enlightenment thinker of the 18th century, discusses their sex plight and living conditions, and exploits the social causes behind their tragic fates. 从女性视角出发,对18世纪启蒙思想家狄德罗的著作《修女》中作为特殊存在者的修女进行形象解读,探讨她们的性别处境和生存状态,挖掘她们悲剧命运后隐藏的社会根源。
A-Q and the nephew are destroyed by the society, through whom Lu Xun and Diderot show deep animadversion to the society individually. 阿Q和侄儿只不过是被黑暗的社会吞噬了的小人物,在这两个悲剧人物身上,鲁迅和狄德罗分别寄托了对各自所处社会的深刻批判。
Diderot and Lessing theorized the principle of reality, which was to become the core of the theory of theatrical realism. 现实主义戏剧理论的核心范畴是真实,这是众所周知的事实。然而,真正的提出并以理论的形式固定了真实这一核心范畴的戏剧理论家当属狄德罗和莱辛。
Diderot's aesthetics thoughts system that regards beauty exists relation as core 以美在关系为中心的狄德罗美学思想体系
Denis Diderot Is a great enlightenment thinker, philosophers, drama theoretician of the 18th century in France. 德尼·狄德罗,是法国十八世纪伟大的启蒙思想家,哲学家,戏剧理论家。
Diderot trying to enlightenment of thought about the new perspective with unique drama theory to better for the public to enlightenment He not only system expounds the innovation of drama theatre solution, and also illustrates the significance of the drama. 他试图以启蒙的全新视角,独特的戏剧理论来更好的对公众进行启蒙。系统的阐述了戏剧戏论的革新方案,同时也阐释了戏剧的现实意义。
Under the perspective in enlightenment, re-examine his research in Diderot position and significance of modernity still has great value for study. 在启蒙视角下研究狄德罗,重新审视他在现代性方面的地位和意义,仍然具有巨大的研究价值。
Denis Diderot, as one of the 18th century French Enlightenment thinkers, his philosophy contains rich conception of social history. 狄德罗作为十八世纪法国启蒙思想家之一,他的哲学包含丰富的社会历史观思想。
Meanwhile, the philosophy thinking in fictional narration predicts the focus shift of modern philosophy to the question of human being in realistic situation. Voltaire, Rousseau and Diderot are the core persons of French enlightenment. 同时,用小说叙事表达哲学思考,预示着现代哲学重视人的存在问题及其现实情境的转向。