n. 戴奥尼夏(1.The Elder,430?—367B.C.,古希腊Syracuse之暴君,在位期间405— 367B.C.;2.The Younger,古希腊Syracuse之暴君,在位期间367—356B.C.,347—344B.C.)
Howbeit certain men clave unto him, and believed: among the which was Dionysius the Areopagite, and a woman named Damaris, and others with them. 恢复本但有几个人贴近他,并且信了,其中有亚略巴古的官丢尼修,和一个名叫大马哩的妇人,还有其他同著他们的人。
Dionysius actually speaks of the Council in the heroic age as composed of nobles. 狄奥尼修斯所描述的英雄时代的议事会正是这样由贵族组成的。
Nietzsches aesthetic view is an essential part of his life philosophy which holds that art is the manifestation of power will and product of collision of two spirits-Apollo and Dionysius. 他认为艺术是日神和酒神两种精神冲撞和迸发的产物,是权力意志的表现形式。
Plato undertook three long and dangerous voyages to Sicily in order to advise the King Dionysius. 柏拉图三度冒险渡海至西西里岛,只为向戴奥尼索斯王献策;
Except for two expeditions to Sicily, where he went at the request of Dionysius to help try to establish a philosophical kingship in Syracuse, he remained in Athens teaching and writing. 除了两度前往西西里岛,因应迪欧尼修斯之邀,前去协助建立,位于,Syracuse,的哲学王权,他一直待在雅典教书,写作。