N-UNCOUNT 磁盘操作系统 DOS is the part of a computer operating system that controls and manages files and programs stored on disk. DOS is an abbreviation for (缩略=) 'disk operating system'.
Where do I find the instructions to load DOS programs from Windows 98? 我从哪儿可以找到从Windows98载入DOS程序的指令呢?
Where do I find the instructions to load DOS programs from Windows 98? 我从哪儿可以找到从Windows98载入DOS程序的指令呢?
They always have all-night dos there. 他们经常在那儿闹通宵。
Please advise me on the most suitable colour print film and some dos and don'ts. 请向我推荐最合适的彩色胶卷,并告诉我一些注意事项。
More works the same as the DOS version. More的工作方式与DOS版本相同。
Preventing DoS attacks require different techniques that go well beyond what an application server can provide. 防范DoS攻击需要不同的技术,这超出了应用服务器所能提供的范围。
Stefan Hepper has published several guideline articles that list specific dos and don'ts within a portal application. StefanHepper发表了一些指导性的文章,其中列举了在门户应用程序中特定的应该做的和不该做的事情。
While very important, DoS attacks are beyond the scope of this article. 尽管它很重要,但是DoS攻击超出了本文的范围。
This measure is in place to avoid inadvertent Denial-of-Service ( DoS) attacks on the system as a whole. 实施这种措施的目的是避免在整个系统上发生因疏忽招致的拒绝服务(Denial-of-Service,DoS)攻击。
If you want to configure a different language locale, use the appropriate DOS and UNIX charset parameter options. 如果您想配置一个不同的语言语境,那么应使用适当的DOS和UNIX字符集参数选项。
If your card hasn't been used for this before, it will probably show a single DOS partition. 如果您的卡以前没有这样用过,那么它可能会显示一个DOS分区。
Create two additional DOS consoles by typing the start command. 通过键入start命令,创建两个额外的DOS控制台。
These drive mappings can be done from Windows or from the DOS command prompt. 可以在Windows操作系统中,或者在DOS命令提示符下,完成这些驱动器映射。
Reusing IP addresses can lead to an unintentional Denial of Service attack ( DoS). 重用IP地址可能会导致意外的DenialofServiceattack(DoS)。
This ran on an'operating system'called DOS, produced by a then small company named Microsoft. 这种电脑采用了一种被称为磁盘操作系统(DOS)的工作程序,而这种程序是由当时规模不大的微软公司生产的。
According to the characteristics of DoS/ DDoS attack, a defense model adopting data-mining technology is proposed. 针对拒绝服务攻击的特点,提出了一种采用数据挖掘技术的防御模型。
This model can run any software or DOS program an IBM personal computer can run. IBM个人电脑可以执行的任何软件或DOS程序,这种类型的电脑都能执行。
He taught his DOS to shake hands. 他教会了他的狗和人握手。
As you will see, many DOS applications overwrite this section of the DOS command processor in memory. 正如你看到的,很多DOS应用程序在存储中重写DOS命令程序的这一部分。
The transient portion of the command processor receives commands from the interactive user or from DOS batch files. 命令处理程序的暂驻存储区从交互用户或从DOS批文件那里接收命令。
As you will see, Windows has replaced the DOS prompt with pull-down menus and dialog boxes. 正如你会看到的那样,Windows下拉式的菜单和对话框替代了DOS的命令。
The file name entered is not valid in DOS mode. 输入的文件名在dos模式下无效。
Also, EMM386 will provide VCPI memory and switch DOS into the protected and V86 mode automatically. 同样,EMM386将提供VCPI内存,并且自动将DOS切换到保护模式和V86模式。
By default, DOS uses the file COMMAND. COM as the command processor. 在默认情况下,DOS利用文件COMMAND.COM作为命令处理程序。
Experimental datum proves this model can launch real-time and effective defense against DoS/ DDoS attack. 实验证明该模型能够对拒绝服务攻击进行有效、实时的防御。
Yes, that's really a DOS-based computer he's using. 是的,他使用的电脑的确是DOS操作系统。
Human threats& industrial espionage, virus infection, denial-of-service attacks, etc. 人为威胁&商业间谍、病毒感染和DOS攻击等。
Otherwise, DOS examines each of the entries in the path you have difined via the PATH command. 否则DOS会通过PATH命令检查你所指定的路径中的每个输入项。
The command processor is the portion of DOS that invokes each of the commands you issue. 命令处理程序是DOS的一部分,它调用你所发出的每个命令。
This path does not match the DOS format for filenames. 该路径不与DOS的文件名格式匹配。
B: It's in DOS mode. You need to type in a command. 现在是DOS模式。你需要键入指令。