Some people argue that the oldest pub in London is the White Hart on Drury Lane. 有人认为伦敦最古老的酒吧是德鲁里巷的白鹿酒吧。
As far as the video and retail services can tell, Mr. Drury is one more American customer. 从视频和零售服务商的角度看,德鲁里无非是又一个美国顾客。
The man you are looking for is living in Drury lane. 你要找的人住在德鲁里巷。
Some reasons, such as disagreements over company strategy, are easy to forgive, says Mr Drury. 德鲁里表示,有些原因很容易得到原谅,例如不赞成公司战略。
I place her in Drury Lane. 我猜她是德茹里一带的人。
Hyphantria cunea Drury is a exotic species and has invaded and spread to Liaoning, Hebei, Tianjin, Shandong, Shanxi and Shanghai. 美国白蛾为外来入侵种,现已扩散蔓延到辽宁、河北、天津、山东、陕西、上海等省市。
Eric Drury is a shrimper but knows that his business is not the only one threatened. EricDrury是一位捕虾者,但他也知道他的生意不是唯一受到威胁的。
William Trevor and Tom Drury. 威廉·崔佛和汤姆·杜瑞。
Study on Hyphantria cunea ( drury) living through winter generation adult emergence and oviposition habits 美国白蛾越冬代成虫羽化规律及产卵习性的研究
The spatial distribution pattern and sampling methods for the adult of litchi stink bug ( Tessaratoma papillosa Drury) are analysed with six species aggregation indices. 本文用6种聚集度指标研究了荔枝蝽成虫空间分布型和抽样技术。
You usually only get one chance to be a public company chief executive, Mr Drury says. 你通常只能获得一次成为上市公司首席执行官的机会,德鲁里表示。
China should not be regarded as a single market but a series of many different and unique regions – all with huge potential to UK business, says Mr Dru Drury. 刚毅说,中国不应被视为单一市场,而应被视为众多不同而又独特的地区&所有这些地区对英国企业来说都具有巨大的潜力。
Evaluation of Hyphantria cunea ( Drury) 'Loss in China's Epidemic Stricken Area in 2004 2004年全国美国白蛾疫区的非经济损失评估
Damage Analysis and Loss Evaluation after Hyphantria Cunea ( Drury)'s Invading China 美国白蛾入侵对我国的危害分析与损失评估研究
Quarantine and monitoring procedures and techniques were described in accordance with characteristics and scale of Hyphantria Cunea ( Drury) in terms of its occurrence, damage symptom, host, phases as well as its spread modes. 本文依据美国白蛾发生、危害症状、寄主、虫态、特征、发生期、传播方式等方面的特点与规律,探讨了美国白蛾的监测检疫检验技术程序与方法。