At the next class, Miss Dulcie rose off the floor once more. 第二次课上,达尔西小姐又飞离了地面。
To the surprise of all the ladies, including Miss Dulcie herself, she rose above the floor. It is thus that a spectacle of mesmerizing lights is born to dazzle astonished eyes below. 飞离了地面,这让当场所有的人,包括她自己也大吃一惊,由此,一场迷人的光线奇观诞生了,令地面上惊愕的人们眼花缭乱。
She was asked to show them again and again. At the next class, Miss Dulcie rose off the floor once more. 她们一次次叫达尔西小姐教她们,第二次课上,达尔西小姐又飞离了地面。
Dulcie September Nursery and Primary School 达尔西九月托儿所和小学