Durban, who says he spent about half his time over two years on Skype matters, focused on bringing in new management. 德班表示,这两年里他差不多把一半的时间都花在了跟Skype有关的事务上,重点放在为Skype引入新的管理层。
The Geneva conference is a follow-up to the2001 World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance held in Durban South Africa. 这次在日内瓦举行的会议是2001年在南非德班召开的反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关的不宽容现象的世界会议的后续会议。
The most difficult decisions have been left for the next climate conference in Durban, South Africa, in December 2011. 最为艰难的决定要留到明年12月,2011南非德班气候大会上才能一见分晓。
Durban is also a gateway to the Zulu Kingdom, where tourists can experience the intensity of Zulu culture. 德班是祖鲁文化的门户,在德班,游客可以感受到强烈的祖鲁文化气息。
Durban, which is also a port city, is the busiest port in Africa. 德班是一个港口城市,并且是非洲最繁忙的港口。
During the Durban meeting, a BRICS Leaders-Africa Dialogue Forum will be held. 德班会晤期间还将举行金砖国家同非洲领导人对话会。
International Olympic Committee president Jaques Rogge announced the results at an IOC meeting in Durban, South Africa. 国际奥委会主席罗格在南非德班举行的奥林匹克会议上宣布了这项结果。
-AIDS conference in Durban, South Africa, July 14, 2000 ――2000年7月14日于南非德班的艾滋病会议上
Green groups awarded the country their Fossil of the Year award for its performance in Durban. 由于在德班的表现,加拿大还获评环保组织评选的年度顽固不化奖。
The BRICS will intensify cooperation on the Durban conference. 金砖国家将就德班会议加强合作。
On the evening of 29th June, a day I shall never forget, we landed at Durban. 就在6月29日,我终生难忘的一天,我们在杜尔班登陆了。
In addition, a three-month competition – Apps for Climate – will kick off in December at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Durban, South Africa. 另外,一项历时三个月的竞赛活动,即“气候应用软件竞赛”,将于12月在南非德班举办的联合国气候变化大会上启动。
Nkosi was the star of the13th International AIDS Conference in Durban in2000. 恩科西是2000年在德班举行的第十三届世界爱滋病大会上的一个焦点人物。
He said if that was the case there could be "a tremendous outcome in Durban". 他补充道,如果情况真是这样,各方就有望“在德班取得巨大的成果”。
The US state department said that with regret it would not be joining the meeting to review international progress on combating racism and xenophobia in the eight years since a summit in Durban, South Africa. 美国国务院遗憾地表示,决定不参加这次会议。会议旨在审议自8年前举行的南非德班(Durban)峰会以来,国际间在消除种族歧视和仇外行为方面的进展。
Europe played a vital role in Durban. 欧洲在德班峰会上起到了关键作用。
She used South Africa as her base, first in Durban, then in Cape Town. 她定居南非,最初在德班,后来搬到开普敦。
Yet, despite these caveats, the Durban deal has set an important principle. 不过,尽管存在这些局限,德班协议仍确立了一个重要原则。
The latest round of talks in Durban has so far done little to reverse this. 在南非德班举行的最新一轮谈判,迄今在逆转局面方面几乎没有进展。
Given this backdrop, perhaps the outcome of the Durban summit essentially a decision to postpone a decision on how best to co-ordinate a global response was the best that could be hoped for. 在此背景下,或许德班峰会的结果实际上是推迟就如何协调全球应对措施做决定的决定是人们所能期望的最好结果。
The Rome meeting is taking place less than three months before the United Nations Climate Change Conference opens in Durban, South Africa. 罗马会议的召开距离将在南非德班举行的联合国气候变化大会还有不到三个月的时间。
"Three quarters of all TB patients in South Africa are HIV positive," says Salim Karim, director of the Centre for AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa ( CAPRISA) based in Durban, South Africa. “南非3/4的结核病患者也感染了艾滋病。”南非德班的南非艾滋病研究中心(CAPRISA)主任SalimKarim说。
SWIMMING UNDER THE RADAR: A dolphin swam in a wave in Durban, South Africa, Friday. 游泳在雷达之下:在德班,南非,星期五波海豚游泳。
This commitment will also be a big talking point at the next annual UN summit, due to start in Durban on November28th. 由于11月28日德班举行气候大会迫在眉急,这份承诺在下一年度的联合国首脑会议上也将成为谈论热点。
For this principle to have any practical effect, however, world leaders must at some point make the decisions deferred in Durban. 然而,要让这一原则产生实际影响,全球领导人必须在某个时刻做出德班峰会上推迟的决定。
The findings were announced at a press conference in Durban, KwaZulu Natal province, South Africa in October. 这项发现10月份在南非夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省德班市的一个新闻发布会上被公布。
It is why we have worked together in Copenhagen and Cancun and will work together in Durban to combat changes to our climate that threaten the Himalayan plateaus and the American heartland alike. 这正是我们为什么在哥本哈根和坎昆共同努力并将在德班共同努力,以抗击对喜马拉雅高原和美国内陆地带同样构成威胁的气候变化。