This value means that the data retrieved will be converted to EBCDIC format. 这个值意味着我们接收的数据将被转换成EBCDIC格式。
Since the z/ OS platform uses the EBCDIC file format instead of ASCII, which is common for servers running the Oracle database, the source data format must be converted. 由于z/OS平台使用EBCDIC文件格式,而不是运行Oracle数据库的服务器上常见的ASCII文件格式,因而必须转换源数据格式。
This makes sense when you think that all of USS itself ( including shell command input, and results of system function calls) runs in EBCDIC. 考虑到USS本身(包括shell命令输入和系统函数调用的结果)都采用EBCDIC,所以这是有意义的。
Character conversion key concepts& The EBCDIC encoding scheme 字符转换的关键概念&EBCDIC编码模式
A string can have different encoding ( for example, ASCII, EBCDIC, UTF-8, and so on), and the content of the string can potentially be in different languages. 字符串可以有不同的编码(如,ASCII、EBCDIC、UTF-8等等),并且字符串的内容可以采用不同的语言。
Also, since LOAD requires that data files be placed on the EBCDIC z/ OS machine, the ASC or DEL file format choices presented in the Linux/ UNIX/ Windows context are irrelevant. 而且,由于LOAD要求将数据文件放在EBCDICz/OS机器上,suoyi在Linux/UNIX/Windows上下文中提供的ASC或DEL文件格式选项并不重要。
By default USS files store information in EBCDIC ( so no ASCII; EBCDIC translation is needed). 在默认情况下,USS文件以EBCDIC格式存储信息(所以不是ASCII;需要EBCDIC转换)。
The length of the character string is dependent on the character encoding ( ASCII, EBCDIC, and Unicode) that is used to encode the character. 字符字符串的长度取决于用于编码字符的字符编码方式(ASCII、EBCDIC和Unicode)。
Both of these fields may contain data from more than one EBCDIC code page. 这两个字段可能包含不止一个EBCDIC代码页中的数据。
In some cases this may cause the application receiving the XML to reject it due to it not supporting the EBCDIC codepage. 在有些情况下,这会导致接收XML的应用程序由于不支持EBCDIC代码页而拒绝接收它。
For example, data sources such as DB2 for z/ OS and OS/ 390 use a collating sequence based on the EBCDIC encoding scheme. 例如,DB2forz/OS和OS/390之类的数据源使用基于EBCDIC编码模式的排序序列。
You can also choose which format the memory will be displayed in: Hex, ASCII, EBCDIC, signed integer, and unsigned integer. 您还可以选择内存以什么格式显示:十六进制、ASCII、EBCDIC、整数。
As far as protocols for representing text are concerned, the main schemes are ASCII and EBCDIC. 至于代表文字方面的规约,主要方式是雅舒码和纳斯迪码。
Function digit [ letter] Transmission codes: Standard code sets used in computers to represent alphabets and numbers. Examples include ASC and EBCDIC. 传送代码:电脑用的一套标准代码,代表字母和数字.例如雅舒码和纳斯迪码。