The ECB has only announced the OMT programme. 欧洲央行只是宣布了OMT计划。
On both measures, the ECB has failed. 从这两个衡量指标来看,欧洲央行都失败了。
But the ECB is hampered by the constraints ( perceived and actual) on purchases of government debt. 但欧洲央行在购买国债方面受到(认知和实际上的)约束的阻碍。
Germany, France and the European Central Bank also made large financial commitments. 德国、法国和欧洲央行(ECB)也都承诺拿出了大笔资金。
With the three-year LTRO, the ECB has helped to reduce systemic risk and avoided a credit crunch. 通过开展三年期LTRO,欧洲央行帮助降低了系统性风险,并避免了一场信贷紧缩。
This concern is mitigated by the fact that the ECB lends against collateral. 以下事实减轻了这种担忧:欧洲央行是在收取抵押品的条件下放贷的。
Both the European Central Bank and the Bank of England may ease further. 欧洲央行(ecb)和英国央行(bankofengland)都可能会进一步放宽货币政策。
The European Central Bank follows this tradition. 欧洲央行(ecb)沿袭了这一传统。
Both the ECB and Bank of England will announce rates decisions on Thursday. 欧洲央行和英国央行都将于周四宣布利率决定。
The ECB and eurozone governments have rejected such estimates. 欧洲央行和欧元区各国政府都反驳上述估计。
He strongly defended the ECB's actions since the financial crisis erupted. 他对欧洲央行自美国次级抵押贷款危机爆发以来的行动进行了强烈辩护。
The ECB last week revised down sharply its forecasts for eurozone growth and inflation. 欧洲央行大幅下调了对欧元区经济增长及通胀的预测。
A European Central Bank survey yielded almost identical results for eurozone banks. 欧洲央行(ECB)针对欧元区银行的一份调查,也得出了几乎相同的结论。
The European Central Bank began buying government bonds days after insisting it would not. 欧洲央行(ECB)开始买入政府债券,而就在几天之前,该行还坚称自己不会这样做。
The ECB would favour a targeted programme involving corporate bonds or commercial paper, rather than buying government debt. 欧洲央行可能倾向于一个有针对性的项目,涉及公司债或商业票据,而不是购买政府债券。
The ECB has achieved this trick through a clever shift in its liquidity policies. 欧洲央行通过巧妙地调整流动性政策做到了这一点。
The ECB and the other members of the European Union have vetoed this idea, fearful of contagion. 欧洲央行和其它欧盟(EU)成员国出于对危机蔓延的担忧,否决了这种构想。
The Fed, the ECB and the Bank of Japan all have work to do. 美联储,欧洲央行和日本央行都有工作要做。
Without finance from the ECB, the banks would have collapsed. 如果没有欧洲央行的融资,这些银行将会破产。
The European Central Bank is not so lucky. 欧洲央行(ecb)就没那么幸运了。
The ECB prevented a credit crunch and deserves credit for that. 欧洲央行阻止了一轮信贷紧缩,这值得称赞。
The ECB can soothe markets by buying bonds, but beyond a certain point such purchases threaten its independence. 欧洲中央银行可以通过购买债券手段稳定市场,但是这种购买超过了一定界限就会威胁到ECB本身的独立性。
If Moody's downgrades Greece, its bonds cease to be eligible for ECB refinancing. 如果穆迪调低对希腊的评级,该国的债券将不再有资格获得欧洲央行的再融资。
The European Central Bank has provided almost unlimited liquidity to eurozone financial systems. 欧洲央行(ecb)已向欧元区金融体系注入几乎无限的流动性。
Might this agreement encourage the ECB to intervene more heavily in markets for sovereign debt? 这一协议可能会鼓励欧洲央行加大对主权债务市场的干预吗?
The ECB and the Bank of England do all three of these things. 欧洲央行和英格兰银行都采取了这三种方法。
Temporary shortages of cash in short-term money markets can be readily filled by the ECB. 在短期货币市场上面临的暂时性现金短缺,可以轻易地通过欧洲央行填补。
Central banks such as the Fed and the ECB already provide unlimited liquidity against collateral. 中央银行,如美联储和欧洲央行已经提供无限制的流动性对抵押品。
The European central bank can help. 欧洲央行(ecb)也可以帮忙。
The recent Greek bonds swap, which allowed the ECB to avoid loss, has confirmed this status. 最近让欧洲央行得以避免损失的希腊债券互换证实了这种地位。