The West Africa regional group in Ecowas has told the BBC it's closely following developments in Niger. 西非国家经济共同体告诉BBC的记者,他们正不断跟进尼日尔的事态发展。
The organization's political director Abdel-Fatau Musah said that if needed, Ecowas would be in the country as quickly as it could to ensure order was maintained. 该组织的政治分析师阿卜杜勒·法塔·姆沙称,假如有必要,西非国家经济共同体会尽可能快地进入尼日尔,并确保命令能顺利下达。
30. We commend the efforts of the AU, the Economic Community of West African States ( ECOWAS) and Mali aimed at restoring sovereignty and territorial integrity of Mali. 30、我们赞赏非盟、西非国家经济共同体和马里为恢复马里主权和领土完整的努力。
Meanwhile as soon as the ECOWAS CONTRACT AWARD COMMITTEE appove your prices they will contact you directly. 同时,委员会如果接受您的价格他们将直接联系你。
He says ECOWAS should not tolerate disrespect for those rules. 他说,西非国家经济共同体绝不容忍对这些原则的不尊重。
Evaluation Meeting of the ECOWAS Committee of Five 西非经共体五国委员会审查会议
ECOWAS Standing Mediation Committee of Nine 西非经共体九国常设调解委员会
ECOWAS Committee of Four on Sierra Leone 西非经共体塞拉利昂问题四国委员会
The correspondents say Guineans had hoped for tougher sanctions and the embargo was the weakest measure ECOWAS could agree on. 记者表示,几内亚人希望能够采取更严厉的制裁,禁运是ECOWAS能够赞同的最为微弱的措施。
ECOWAS six-month peace plan for Sierra Leone 西非经共体塞拉利昂六个月和平计划
In West Africa, ECOWAS 'peacekeeping mission to Liberia effectively restored internal peace to the country and order to the whole region. 在西非,西非国家经济共同体(简称西共体)在利比里亚的维和行动有力促成了利国内和平的实现,为维护西非地区的和平与稳定做出了积极贡献。
As the major regional organization in West Africa, the integration in Economic Community of West African States ( ECOWAS) directly affects developing prospect of West Africa. 作为西非区域最大的一体化组织,西非国家经济共同体一体化的成败直接关系到西非发展前景。
The last pat is the conclusion of this paper. It summarizes the experience and the lessons from the integration in ECOWAS. 第五部分为本文的结语,对西非国家经济共同体一体化的经验和教训做了总结和归纳。
The fourth part analyzes the limited factors that affect the integration in ECOWAS. 第四部分分析了共同体一体化进展缓慢的主要限制性因素。
The second part directly elaborates the progress of integration in areas of market, production and infrastructure and analyzes the reason leading to the different outcomes in the above areas, as well as discusses effects of the level of economic development on the regional integration in ECOWAS. 第二部分详细阐述了共同体自成立以来在市场、生产和基础建设方面一体化进展情况及成效,分析了各领域成效差异的原因,探讨经济发展水平等特定的历史环境对区域一体化发展的影响。
The third part mainly introduces the progress of integration in non-economic areas, such as environmental protection, culture, society and collective security. And the part also analyzes the active role they play in integration in ECOWAS. 第三个部分主要阐述了共同体在非经济领域,如环境保护、文化和社会事务以及集体安全方面的一体化进展情况,同时分析了这些非经济领域的合作对共同体经济一体化深入发展的积极作用。