Communications and EDP/ MIS Electronic Data Processing and Information Systems Service 通信和电子数据处理/管理信息系统
Agricultural Existing Problem of Accounting by EDP of R& D Institution and Solution 农业科研单位会计电算化存在的问题及对策
Auditing in an EDP environment Hospital accreditation improved the development of nursing science 利用电子数据处理的审计工作医院评审工作促进了护理专业的发展
The influence of Accounting by EDP at information age to achieve the target 信息时代会计电算化对会计目标实现的影响
A Discussion on the Value and Realization of EDP 会计电算化的价值地位及其实现途径的探讨
Joining China's first EDP for PE executives changes the way you raise and manage private equity funds. 作为国内首个私募基金管理者的高端课程,它将改变您搭建和管理私募基金的方式。
The EDP Characteristics of Martensite Twin Substructure in High Carbon Steel 高碳钢马氏体中孪晶亚结构的电子衍射花样特征
The Impact of EDP on General Counting and Auditing 会计电算化对传统会计及审计的冲击
To explore the improvement of lung function by external diaphragm pacing ( EDP) in patient with pulmonary 体外膈肌起搏改善肺心病肺功能的探讨
Although the twins in a martensite grain corresponding the same twinning plane exhibited the same EDP, the electron waves from these twins were noncoherent scattering each other. 同一马氏体晶粒中具有相同孪生面的孪晶,尽管其具有相同的电子衍射谱(EDP),但它们在电子衍射中却是一些非相干散射体。
With the development of information and the popularization of accounting by EDP, the level of the accountants needs the great improvement. 在当今信息化浪潮中,随着电算化的日益普及,财会人员的电算化水平急需提高。
Discussion on the safe risk of financial affairs of the accounting by EDP and the precautions countermeasure 浅论会计电算化的财务安全风险及防范对策
High development of network economy makes accounting by EDP stride forward towards accounting informatization and means the arrivel of a new accounting revolution. 网络经济的蓬勃发展使会计手段由传统的电算化向信息化方向迈进,昭示着一场新的会计革命的到来。
To implement the financial management function in accounting by EDP, system applies typical MIS model. 为实现会计电算化业务中的财务管理功能,系统采用了典型的信息管理系统(MIS)模式。
Working Group on EDP of the Conference of European Statisticians 欧洲统计学家会议电子数据处理工作小组
The IRS investigated hundreds of edp crimes every year. 美国国内收入局每年都要调查数以百计的电脑犯罪。
Talking about the Risk of the Work of Accounting by EDP of Enterprise and Strick Precaution 试论企业会计电算化工作的风险与防范
This system is based on the principles of accountancy, constrained by Chinese accounting by EDP, combined with the financial management requirement of middle& small enterprises to develop. 本系统是以会计学的基本理论为基础,我国会计电算化的管理体制为约束,结合中小企业的财务管理需求进行开发的。
Trying to Talking about Enterprise Internal Control in Condition of Accounting by EDP 试论电算化会计条件下的企业内部控制
OBERMEYER was the first company in the German construction sector which used EDP systems for its work – at first for structural calculations, very soon also for engineering drawings. 欧博迈亚是德国工程领域针对其工作采用EDP系统的首家公司,该系统起初用于结构计算,随后推广到工程制图。
The study for the course teaching mode of the accounting by EDP in finance and economics colleges 财经类院校会计电算化课程教学模式研究
Experience of peri-operational complication and their treatment in permanent cardic pacemaker implantation To explore the improvement of lung function by external diaphragm pacing ( EDP) in patient with cor pulmonale 心脏起搏器患者围术期并发症分析及处理体会体外膈肌起搏改善肺心病肺功能的研究
More programs mean more efficient utilization of the processor. auditing in an EDP environment 这意味着更有效地利用了处理器。利用电子数据处理的审计工作
EDP and Software s Function of Counter-Keeping Accounts and Counter-Settling Accounts; A Study on the Correlation between Accounts Receivable Management and Debt Maturity Structure of Listed Companies in China 会计电算化及其软件的反记账反结账功能我国上市公司应收账款管理与债务期限结构的相关性研究
Attentive Problems of Setting up Subject Code in the System of Accounting by EDP 会计电算化系统科目代码设置应注意的问题
Setting up telephone system in the EDP range. 其中文意义为:在电子数据处理范围中设置电话系统。
Security Analysis of the Accounting by EDP System 会计电算化系统的安全性分析
It is imperative to strengthen the security control over the accounting by EDP. 加强会计电算化系统的安全管理势在必行。
Relationship between DSS and EDP; DSS与EDP之关系;
EDP System Auditing in China: Necessity and Approaches 我国EDP系统审计的必要性及实现途径探析