There is no default mapping of abbreviations such as e.g., EKG, and etc. 缩写词是没有默认映射的,如e.g.、EKG和etc。
Does the emergency room doctor read the EKG and send out a single call to summon the cardiology team? 急诊室的医生会读取心电图并用一个电话就叫来心脏病医疗团队吗?
Her physician asks her to have an EKG next week. 医生要她下周做。
An EKG measures the electrical activity of the heart and helps physicians detect cardiac problems or changes. 心电图测量心肌的电活动,帮助医生发现心肌问题或者异常改变。
His ekg, his blood value are all normal. 心电图和血液都很正常。
I'll give you an EKG and a chest x-ray. 我要给您做一个心电图再做一个胸部x线检查。
The main symptoms of cardiac involvement found expression in palpitation, cardiac murmur, hypertension, EKG and UCG abnormality. 心脏损害的主要临床表现有心悸、心脏杂音、高血压和心电图、超声心动图异常。
The occurrence of cardiac arrhythmia in 30 severe cases of cor pulmonale discovered by continuous EKG monitoring 30例重症肺心病心脏监测心律失常的分析
Get me an Ambu bag and ekg. 给我一个急救袋还有心电仪。
Second, fasting blood glucose tests and an EKG should be done regularly. 第二,定期查空腹血糖合作心电图检查。
Still, Hesslein said other countries have had success with mass EKG screening in certain groups of children, including Italy, where he said sudden heart death rates in young athletes have decreased. 但是,Hesslein说其他国家在对特定儿童群体进行大规模心电图筛查方面有成功的经验,比如意大利,他说该国年轻运动员心源性猝死比率有所降低。
An earlier observational study, published in The Journal of the American Medical Association in2006, confirmed the value of EKG screening. 2006年出版在美国医学会杂志上的一项早期的观察性研究证实了EKG筛查的价值。
The success of the Italian approach has led the European Society of Cardiology and the International Olympic Committee to recommend EKG screening for all competitive athletes. 意大利成功的研究使欧洲心脏协会和奥组委对所有的竞赛型运动员都推荐EKG筛查。
I have had a normal chest X-ray, EKG and blood chemistries, but no diagnosis has been made. 我进行了一般的胸部X光片,EKG,以及血液的化学成分分析,但是未能获得任何诊断。
The group of brain infarction had the S-T segment. T wave changes on EKG but sinus bradycardia mainly. Both groups can cause myocardial infarction. 心电图改变类型,急性脑出血组以ST段、T波改变及窦性心动过速为主,脑梗死组主要以ST段及T波改变和窦性心动过缓比较明显,两组均可发生心肌梗死。
Diagnostic Value of Right Systolic Time Intervals and EKG in Cor Pulmonale 右心收缩时间间期测定及心电图检查对肺心病诊断价值的探讨
After 3 weeks of medication the T wave in the EKG was found to be inverted in 3 dogs. 心搏率、肝机能及血象无明显变化、给药第3周以后3只狗心电图T波变为倒置。
However, it should be taken under EKG control because it can suppress the heart conduction system. 此药对心脏传导系统有一定的抑制作用,应在心电图监测下用药。
Conclusion EKG, Doppler ECHO and DTI examination are of high value in the diagnosis of DCM and in differential diagnosis with HCM and EFE. 结论EKG、多普勒ECHO、DTI对DCM的诊断和DCM与HCM、EFE的鉴别有重要价值。
Clinical study of EKG change in the elderly 262 patients with acute cerebrovascular disease 对262例老年急性脑血管病心电图的临床研究
Further analysis was done on the theory of interface electric resistance of electro-osmosis consolidation. 在实验的基础上进一步分析了电渗固结中的界面电阻理论,给出了EKG用于地基排水固结的设计步骤,并为其编制了电算程序。
The authors examined 24 normal children and 20 pediatric patients with premature beats by gated blood-pool images and phase analysis. The results were compared with the myocardial enzyme and EKG. 对24例正常儿童及20例早搏患儿进行了心血池显像及相位分析,并与心电图,心肌酶进行了对比性研究。
The symptom and EKG changes of angina pectoris were observed before and after treatment. 均每日一次,连续治疗2周,观察治疗前后心绞痛症状、心电图的变化。
Special Process Display by Abnormal Parameters Transmission The EKG were abnormal. 异常参数传递的特殊过程信息心电图(EKG)表现异常;
Methods The manifestations, whose EKG results, treatment, outcomes of 21 PSVT were analyzed. 方法回顾本院21例新生儿PSVT的一般资料、临床特点、心电图表现、转复治疗方法、随访结果和预后进行分析。
The changes in EKG were characterized by ( 1) abnormal Q wave with S-T elevation; 心电图的具体改变为:(1)异常Q波并有ST段抬高;
Objective: This study, based on theory of acupoint and viscera correlation, is to observe the immediate effect of the ST-T segment on EKG in the inferior and lateral heart wall of the coronary heart disease and to provide objective evidence for optimization of clinical acupoints selection. 目的:本课题从经穴与脏腑相关角度,通过电针灵台、神道穴,观察对冠心病心电图下壁和前侧壁心电图ST-T影响的即时效应差异,为临床优选腧穴提供客观依据。