It returns NULL, defined in stdio. h, for either error or EOF [ end-of-file]; after the loop, we check for which one occurred. 对于错误或EOF[文件结束],它都返回NULL,这是在stdio.h中定义的;循环结束后,我们会检查究竟是哪种情况。
Repeat the loop until getc() returns EOF. 重复该循环直至getc()返回EOF。
Make sure that the second EOF begins at the first column of a line. 第二个EOF必须从行的第一列开始。
Read() should return exactly the number of bytes requested, except on EOF or error; otherwise, the rest of the data will be substituted with zeroes. 除非碰到EOF或出现错误,否则read()应该返回所请求的字节数的数据;否则,其余数据都会被替换成0。
The device/ dev/ null discards all output written to it, and when read from, returns an EOF immediately. 设备文件/dev/null废弃所有写至它的输出,当从该设备文件读取时,会立即返回EOF。
( As we've seen above, fgets() returns NULL while getc() returns EOF.) 正如我们在上面看到的,fgets()返回NULL而getc()返回EOF。
This returns EOF on error or end-of-file. 该函数对于错误或文件结束都返回EOF。
Most calls return either-1, NULL, or EOF to indicate error. 大多数调用返回-1、NULL或EOF来表示错误。
According to the second mode of EOF, the spatial variation of hail and gust in the plain shows a reverse trend in relation to mountainous areas, especially gust in the south Jiangxi. 第三特征向量表明冰雹和雷雨大风在武夷山附近与其他地区都存在反位相的变化。
The sca ard is content to be dull when it protects the kee eof the word. 剑鞘保护剑的锋利,自己却满足于劲舞团字体颜色代码它自己的迟钝。
The financial catastrophe initiated by the colla eof the stack market hit the country a deadly blow. 由股市崩溃引发的金融灾难,使这个国家遭受了致命的打击。
An improved SVD method was introduced by combining empirical orthogonal function ( EOF) with singular value decomposition ( SVD). 将奇异值分解同自然正交分解相结合,提出一种改进的正交奇异值分解方法。
Behavior when EOF is reached. 到达文件结尾处时的行为。
An improved empirical orthogonal functions ( EOF) on the forecast of ocean sound speed profile 改进型经验正交函数海洋声速剖面预报方法
Clinical effects of modified EOF regimen in treatment of advanced gastric cancer: a report of 32 cases 改良EOF方案治疗晚期胃癌32例临床观察
Furthermore, the probabilities for abnormally large rainfall amount or rainfall strength eof SM are also greater after1940s; 梅雨量及梅雨强度异常偏多的概率增加;
The Comparison Between EOF and Multi-Regression Method on the Fitting of Tropical SST EOF方法与多元回归方法对热带SST拟合的比较
Progress in Applications of the EOF Analysis in the Research of Coastal Geomorphology and Sedimentology EOF分析在海岸地貌与沉积学研究中的应用进展
Demonstration analysis on the spatial-temporal evolution of the regional economy using by eof: a case study of the county economic in Henan Province 自然正交函数在区域经济时空演变中的实证分析&以河南省县域经济为例
The third EOF shows Guinea Gulf upwelling and north equatorial downwelling peak in June-July. 第三模态表征的是几内亚海湾上升流和赤道北部下降流在6~7月强度达到最大。
And then the convergent velocity is compared between the EOF and Orthogonal polynomial analysis methods. 同时比较了自然正交展开方法与切比雪夫正交多项式展开方法的收敛速度。
The main variation processes of the beach volume were analyzed with EOF. 通过经验正交函数分解和谱分析,探讨了不同高程处沿岸海滩体积变化的主要空间过程及其在时间上的变化特征。
The results show that the temporal variations of SST anomalies and the occurences of ENSO events. 分析结果表明EOF第一主分量时间系数的变化可以很好地表示SST距平变化与ENSO事件的发生。
Stability and convergent velocity in the application of the EOF method 自然正交展开方法应用中的稳定性和收敛速度问题
Empirical orthogonal function ( E OF) has been applied in typhoon track forecasting. 自然正交分解(EOF)在台风路径预报中已得到应用。
The main distribution patterns are obtained of temperature and precipitation with EOF method. 使用经验正交分解对山西的气温和降水进行分型获得主要的分布型式,同时利用小波分析法对时间系数分析其变化周期;
EOF analyses also show different spatial distribution for the annual amplitude and phase variations. 1波振幅和位相的自然正交分析显示出其年际变化趋势的空间分布各具特色。