In the Network INTERFACE field press F4 or Esc+ 4 to show the list of available network interfaces. 在NetworkINTERFACE字段中,按F4或者Esc+4,以显示可用网络接口的列表。
To exit command mode, press the Esc key. 要退出命令模式,可以按Esc键。
If you find that you've selected the wrong item from a menu, pressing F3 ( or Esc+ 3) brings you back to the previous screen. 如果您发现从菜单中选择了错误的项目,可以按F3(或Esc+3)返回到前一个屏幕。
The Bash shell also provides file name completion but uses the Tab key instead of the Escape key. BashShell也提供了文件名完成,但使用Tab键代替Esc键。
To go back one level, press F3 or Esc+ 3. 要返回一个级别,可以按F3或Esc+3。
When done, press Enter to accept your change, or press Esc to cancel. 完成后,按Enter键接受更改,或者按Esc键取消更改。
After saving, press ESC to close the document. 保存完文档之后,请按下ESC关闭该文档。
Press the F3 key in ESC mode to compile the sources. 在ESC模式下按F3键即可编译源代码。
Press the Esc key to exit the editor. 按Esc键退出编辑器。
When you're finished with insert mode, press the ESC key to return to command mode. 当你被用完插入物模态的时候,按ESC键回到命令模态。
Press enter, or press ESC to cancel. 按enter键,或按esc键取消。
Press the ESC key to close the list without changing the data type. 按Esc键关闭列表,而不更改数据类型。
Press ESC or click cancel. 按esc键或单击“取消”。
B: Push Esc, and you'll be out of the presentation. 按Esc键,你就可以结束演示了。
ESC research is controversial because in all cases, it uses an embryo. ESC研究是有争议的,因为在所有的情况下它都使用了一个胚胎。
They are based on my experience of covering controversial ESC research in Brazil. 它们是以我在巴西报道有争议的ESC研究的经验为基础的。
Return to command mode by pressing the ESC key. 藉由按ESC键回到命令模态。
To cancel setup, press the ESC key. 要取消安装程序,请按esc键。
When you finish moving or resizing, press esc. 完成移动或调整大小之后,按esc。
I have seen great progress and improvement in quality and skill of the ESC. ESC的质量和技术都有很大的进步和改善,这让我印象深刻。
Press enter to try again or ESC to exit. 请按enter,再试一次;或者按esc退出。
To cancel the entire selection, click a blank area on your drawing, or press esc. 要取消整个选择,请单击绘图上的空白区域,或按esc键。
To restart manually, press the ESC key. 要手动重新启动,请按esc键。
In the event handling code, determine whether the ESC key value was raised. 在事件处理代码中,确定是否引发了esc键值。
OneNote is optimizing| 0, click cancel or press ESC to cancel. onenote正在优化0,单击“取消”或按esc可取消操作。
You can try to press the ESC key to deselect the copied cell and then try to copy again. 您可以尝试按ESC键取消复制的细胞,然后尝试再次复制。
To close a dialog box, press esc. 按esc键可关闭对话框。
To cancel a search in progress, press esc. 按esc可取消正在执行的搜索。
You can preview your animation by clicking on View. Press the ESC key to stop the animation. 你可以通过点击查看来预览你的动画。按下ESC键停止播放动画。