(加在较短形容词和某些不以-ly结尾的副词后构成最高级)表示“最…” You add -est to many short adjectives to form superlatives. For example, the superlative of 'nice' is 'nicest'; the superlative of 'happy' is 'happiest'. You also add it to some adverbs that do not end in -ly. For example, the superlative of 'soon' is 'soonest'.
Comparison and the translation of the attributive clauses of EST between Chinese and English languages 科技英语中定语从句的英汉语言对比与汉译
Electrophoretic analysis of the EST isozymes and soluble protein of several species in Fusarium 几种镰孢菌的酯酶同工酶和可溶性蛋白电泳分析
A Functional Analysis on the Nominalization Structure of EST 科技英语中的名词化结构及其功能分析
And I'll remember to est Beijing Roast Duck. 我借借得记着去吃北京烤鸭。
Construction, Immunological Screening and EST Sequencing of the cDNA Library of Clonorchis Sinensis 华支睾吸虫cDNA文库的构建及其免疫学筛选和EST测序
This makes EST different to a wide extent from ordinary English. 这就使科技英语在很大程度上有别于日用英语。
MIR is not homologous to any known protein, as homologs were not found in the rice or Arabidopsis genome databases, or in the EST database for other organisms. 通过对拟南芥和水稻基因组的以及其他物种EST数据库的比对,发现MIR和已知蛋白均不同源。
Bioinformatics Analysis on Differential EST in Human Rectal Cancer 直肠癌中差异EST的生物信息学分析
Est é e Lauder, founder of the cosmetics company, has led thousands of employees to great success. 化妆品公司的创始人埃斯蒂·拉乌德领导数千名员工取得了巨大成功。
Application of fruit crop EST in studies on fruit development and ripening 果树EST在果实发育和成熟研究中的应用
Formalness and Informativeness: Textual Interpretations of Prepositional Phrases in Est& Translation Strategies Supposed for EST 正式性与信息性:科技英语介词短语之文本特点与翻译策略研究
Studies on Intron Length Polymorphism and EST Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in Brassica 芸薹属内含子长度多态性和EST单核苷酸多态性研究
The EST expressed in all tissues except the muscle, and displayed extensive polymorphism among and within tissues. EST在肌肉组织中没有表达,在其他组织中有表达,但表现出组织内及组织间广泛多态;
Analysis on Expressed Sequence Tags ( EST) and Research Progress of Algae EST Library 表达序列标签(EST)分析及藻类EST文库的研究进展
Genetic differences in patterns of EST isozymes and genotypes of mdh ⅱ isozymes in four subspecies of Apis mellifera 西方蜜蜂四个亚种酯酶同工酶型和苹果酸脱氢酶Ⅱ同工酶基因型的遗传差异
A Brief Analysis on the Nominalization Structure in the Simple Sentences of EST; 浅析科技英语简单句中的名词化结构((口语))那很简单。
Triplet repeats are the most abundant microsatellites in the EST sequences of Eucalyptus. 在桉树EST序列中,重复单元长度为三碱基的微卫星最为丰富。
The EST isozyme of butterflies possess polymorphosis. 蝴蝶酯酶同工酶具有多态现象。
On the Relations Between Vocabularies and Their Translation in Textile EST 浅谈纺织科技英语词汇和翻译的关系
Construction of EST library of Vernicia fordii seeds and analysis of main expressed genes 油桐种子EST文库构建及主要表达基因的分析
Like literature works, EST discourses carry a large amount of cultural information. 与文学作品一样,科技语篇同样负载着大量的文化信息。
On Aesthetic Features of Est and Its Translation 从美学视角浅析科技英语的特点及其对汉译实践的指导
The paper analyzes the cultural information through a lot of examples in EST discourses and puts forward some views on its effective transmission. 本文从语篇入手,结合大量实例,对英语科技语篇中的文化信息进行了剖析,并对其有效传递的方式提出了自己的见解。
In this paper the chromosome and EST isozyme of the seven Atractomorpha species in Guizhou are studied. 本文对贵州七种负蝗的染色体和EST同工酶进行了比较研究。
Research on POD and EST Isozymes in Nostoc flagelliforme 发状念珠藻POD和EST同工酶研究
On the application of case grammar to the translation of EST 略论格语法在科技英语翻译中的运用
Analysis on Types and Cognitive Functions of Metaphor in EST 科技英语中隐喻的类型与认知功能分析
EST Terms and Their Translation; Cultural Factors in Etymology VS Vocabulary Teaching Strategies 科技英语中专业词汇的翻译及词义的选择词源的文化元素与词汇教学策略选择的关系
A Study of Applying Functional Equivalence Theory in Translating EST into Chinese 功能对等理论在科技英语汉译中的应用研究