Indices following Chinese assets have been an important factor in driving demand for exchange traded funds. 追踪中国资产的指数一直是推高交易所交易基金(ETF)需求的重要因素。
This is a challenging backdrop for investors, made more complicated by the composition of Chinese exchange traded funds. 对于投资者来说,这是个很有挑战性的大环境,而中国交易所交易基金(ETF)的构成又令局面愈发复杂。
But ETFs have to report daily. 但ETF必须每天报告这些信息。
Investors have poured$ 32.8 billion into international stock ETFs as a group in2007. 2007年至今,投资国际股票的ETF共吸引了328亿美元的新增资金。
Gold is experiencing unprecedented buying by exchange-traded funds, offset by substantially reduced jewellery demand. 黄金正经历交易所交易基金(ETF)空前的买盘,但珠宝需求的大幅下降抵消了这一因素。
In addition, she says there are reports that bond and gold ETFs will soon become available in China. 另外他还表示,有报道称,债券ETF和黄金ETF将很快在中国内地推出。
It is often associated with exchange traded funds ( ETFs) and swaps. 这种交易往往牵涉到交易所交易基金(ETF)和互换合约。
But even plain ETFs have pitfalls for retail investors. 但即便是普通ETF也为散户投资者埋下了陷阱。
He adds that the growth of ETFs has been a key driver in this process. 他补充称,ETF的发展是这一过程中的关键驱动力。
They are doing this since ETFs are infinitely more convenient than gold bars. 之所以这么做,是因为ETF比起金条来方便了无数倍。
This tracks index-linked gilts. 上述ETF追踪与指数关联的金边债券。
Now they can do so through exchange traded funds listed on western stock exchanges. 如今,他们能够通过在西方股票交易所上市的交易所交易基金(ETF)做到这点。
An Empirical Study on ETF for Price Discovery and Information Spillover in China's Stock Exchange Market 中国市场ETF价格发现功能和信息溢出的实证研究
Attention is focused on its exchange traded fund business. 外界的关注焦点都集中在瑞银的交易所交易基金(ETF)业务上。
Retail investors make up 44 per cent of the ETF investment community. 在etf投资群体中,散户投资者占到44%。
Exchange-traded funds ( ETFs) provide low-cost access to the Russian market. 交易所交易基金(ETF)提供了以低成本投资俄罗斯市场的途径。
ETFs are open-ended index funds that trade like stocks. ETF是像股票一样交易的开放式指数基金。
Fed up with poor advice, clients rushed into low-cost exchange-traded funds or savings accounts. 客户听够了不明智的建议,纷纷涌入低成本的交易所交易基金(ETF)或储蓄账户。
Most of them invest in A-share exchange traded funds via access products. 它们大多通过相关产品投资于A股交易所交易基金(ETF)。
And some ETFs are now using leverage; others are starting to purchase riskier assets such as risky loans. 一些ETF如今开始使用杠杆;还有一些ETF开始购入风险贷款等风险更高的资产。
Asset growth in these ETFs has been decelerating for months. 数月来,这些ETF的资产增长一直在减速。
Much of the increased demand comes from exchange traded funds. 增加的需求大部分都来自于交易所交易基金(ETF)。
ETF assets now rival some official reserves. 如今,etf名下的资产规模足以媲美某些官方储备。
Most of these ETFs are listed in Hong Kong or Singapore. 这些ETF大多在香港或新加坡上市。
Banks and other financialsector firms have invested heavily in the fast-growing ETF sector. 银行等金融行业的公司已大举投资快速增长的etf行业。
These products are Hong Kong-listed ETFs investing directly into China A-shares. 这些ETF产品在香港上市,直接投资于中国A股。
But, as with CDOs, this growth has come at a cost. 但和CDO一样,ETF的增长也是有代价的。
Trading in the two new ETFs is expected to begin on February 27. 预计这两只新的ETF将在2月27日开始交易。
Holdings in gold-backed exchange traded funds fell 880 tonnes last year. 黄金支持的交易所交易基金(ETF)持有量去年下降880吨。
But the most recent inflows have been exclusively to exchange traded funds. 但是,最近的资金全都流入到交易所交易基金(etf)中。