The case, which Chevron claims is fraudulent, is still working its way through the Ecuadorean appeals process. 雪福来声称这起案件具有欺诈性,他们仍然在努力通过厄瓜多尔的方式上诉。
That was followed a few months later by a$ 100m purchase of a 14 per cent stake in an Ecuadorean oilfield. 数月后,该集团以1亿美元价格,收购了一个厄瓜多尔油田14%的权益。
Deeds followed words, with a renminbi currency swap extended to Argentina worth$ 10bn, a$ 1bn pledge to invest in an Ecuadorean hydroelectric plant and, in the Caribbean, loan packages to Jamaica and continued trade credits to Cuba. 言语随后化为了行动:中国与阿根廷达成价值100亿美元的人民币货币互换协议;承诺向厄瓜多尔一座水电站投资10亿美元;在加勒比海地区,中国向牙买加提供贷款,并延续对古巴的贸易信贷。
Wilson Pastor-Morris, the Ecuadorean natural resources minister who will chair the Opec meeting, said there was a consensus behind output levels. 将主持本次欧佩克会议的厄瓜多尔自然资源部长威尔森帕斯托-莫里斯(WilsonPastor-Morris)表示,对于目前的产量水平存在着共识。