I remember once asking the actress Emilia Fox if she could cry at will, right there and then, over lunch. 我记得有一次问女演员&EmiliaFox她是否可以随意就哭出来,就在这里,吃过午餐后。
The remains have been kept in the crypt of the cathedral in Reggio Emilia, a city in the north of Italy, since the 10th century. 自10世纪开始,遗骸就存于意大利北部城市雷焦艾米利亚大教堂地下室内。
Two Italian regions, Lombardy and Emilia Romagna, have already requested that a state of emergency be declared. 意大利的伦巴第和罗马涅两个地区已经发布紧急状态。
A Report of Pathogenic Identification on Fungal Diseases of Emilia sonchifolia in Guangxi 广西一点红真菌性病害病原鉴定初报
Emilia. O mistress, villany hath made mocks with love, My husband say that she was false! 爱米利娅啊,夫人!你因为多情,受了奸人的愚弄了!我的丈夫说她不贞!
Since the advent of Emilia, his mind was never quiet. 同埃米莉亚交往以后,他的心境从此安静不下来了。
Emilia. o, my good lord, yonder's foul murders done! 爱米利娅啊,好将军!那边出了杀人命案啦!
Emilia. O, the more angel she, And you the blacker devil! 爱米利娅啊,那麽她尤其是一个天使,你尤其是一个黑心的魔鬼了!
Emilia. O, who hath done this deed? 爱米利娅啊!这是谁干的事?
Objective To explore the feasibility of artificial cultivation of Emilia sonchifolia for standard operating procedure ( SOP). 目的探讨人工栽培一点红的可行性,旨在实现规范化种植。
Emilia. a very handsome man. 爱米利娅一个很漂亮的人。
Emilia. I have laid those sheets you bade me on the bed. 爱米利娅我已经照您的吩咐,把那些被褥铺好了。
Emilia. madam, here comes my lord. 爱米利娅夫人,将军来了。
Emilia. I would you had never seen him! 爱米利娅我希望您当初并不和他相识!
Antonio Allegri was born in Correggio, Italy, a small town near Reggio Emilia. 安东尼阿莱格里出生在Correggio的,意大利雷焦艾米利亚附近的一个小镇。
Extraction and Analysis of Total Alkaloids Contents in Emilia sonchifolia from Different Regions 不同产地一点红总生物碱的提取与分析
Determination of Total Alkaloids in Emilia sonchifolia Collected at Different Harvesting Time in Guangxi 不同采收期广西一点红总生物碱含量分析
Emilia had several distant relatives living in town. 埃米莉亚有几个远房亲戚住在这座城市里。
He had already compromised Emilia. 他已经给埃米莉亚招来流言蜚语。
In the darkness as he walked, emilia's face loomed before him. 他在黑暗中走着,埃米莉亚的脸在他眼前浮现出来。
Conclusion The method has good duplication and high exactitude for quality determination of Emilia sonchifolia. 结论用所建立的方法检测一点红药材质量,重复性好,准确度高。
Studies on Growth, Yield and Total Flavonoid Content of Emilia sonchifolia under Different Planting Conditions 不同栽培条件对一点红生长、产量及总黄酮含量的影响
Emilia sonchifolia is a traditional medicine wild herb and a developing vegetable. 一点红是一种传统的药用植物,又是一种新兴蔬菜。
Conclusion Artificial cultivation of Emilia sonchifolia is feasible. 结论人工栽培一点红是可行的。
Emilia, herself, sewed and reversed all their dresses. 埃米莉亚自己缝衣服,并把所有旧衣服都翻新。
But WFP spokeswoman Emilia Casella says that is not enough. 但是,世界粮食计划署的女发言人卡塞拉表示,这仍然不够。
To establish a method for alkaloids content determination of the Emilia sonchifolia and to decide it's best harvesting time. 目的:建立一点红总生物碱的含量测定方法,测定不同采收期一点红中总生物碱含量,考察一点红原药材质量的优劣。
Emilia. I will not charm my tongue; I am bound to speak: My mistress here lies murder'd in her bed. 爱米利娅我不愿收住我的舌头;我必须说话。夫人在这儿床上给人谋杀了。
Emilia. I know a lady in Venice would have walked barefoot to Palestine for a touch of his nether lip. 爱米利娅我知道威尼斯有一个女郎,愿意赤了脚步行到巴勒斯坦,为了希望碰一碰他的下唇。
But World Food Program spokeswoman Emilia Casella says progress is being made. 但是世界粮食计划署发言人卡塞拉说,目前援助工作有进展。