When reporters asked whether she was like Emmanuelle, she laughed. 当记者问她自己是否像艾曼妞时,她笑了起来。
Emmanuelle Beart plays Odile, a young mother of two children, Philippe and Cathy, who join the exodus out of Paris to the south of France. 艾曼妞.比雅饰演奥迪儿,她带著菲聂和嘉菲两名儿女与其他人一起逃离巴黎,向法国南部进发。
Her canvases became a new sort of mirror in which she appeared in vivid primary colours: swimming naked in a blue-green sea, wearing her long "Emmanuelle" pearls, or about to be kissed by the shadow of a man. 她的画布成为了一面新的镜子,在画中她以生动的原色登场:戴着《艾曼妞》中的那串长珍珠项链在蓝绿色的海洋中裸泳,或是即将要被一个男子的阴影亲吻。