Low-born king's intimates, Reynold Bray, Richard Empson and Edmund Dudley, devoted themselves to extortion, while the king's spies and "promoters" roamed and listened everywhere. 国王出身低微的密友雷诺•布雷、理查德•爱普生和埃德蒙•达德利都极力进行敲诈勒索,而国王的间谍和“推动者”到处刺探和窃听。
The mode of Empson in the literary criticism refers to the mode of choosing one word or sentence as the critical object to prove the rationality of a certain theoretic idea put forward by a critic. 燕卜荪模式,是指在文学批评中,以文本中一个字或一两段句子为批评对象,用来证明批评者提出的某一个理论观点的合理性。
Equivocality, Obscurity, or Ambiguity: A Study of Empson's "Ambiguity Theory" 含混、朦胧,或歧义&燕卜荪复义理论研究
William Empson, in the book of Seven Types of Ambiguity, first makes a research in the ambiguity of semantics. 燕卜荪的《复义七型》是第一部将语义学中的“复义”问题专门提出来进行研究的著作。