Even when the numbers were right Ennis knew the sheep were mixed. 到最后,数量是弄对了,但埃尼斯知道,羊还是混了。
"I didn't know where in the hell you was," said Ennis. 我不知道你到底去了什么鬼地方。
As they descended the slope Ennis felt he was in a slow-motion, but headlong, irreversible fall. 下陡坡的时候,埃尼斯就像电影里的慢动作那样,头朝下结结实实地摔了一个跟头。
"You goin a do this next summer?" said Jack to Ennis in the street, one leg already up in his green pickup. “你明年夏天还来吗?”在街上,杰克对埃尼斯说,一脚已经跨上了他那辆绿色卡车。
A hot jolt scalded Ennis and he was out on the landing pulling the door closed behind him. 埃尼斯象被一股热浪灼到了似的。他走出房间,站到了楼梯口,随手关上身后的房门。
Jack said he was doing all right but he missed Ennis bad enough sometimes to make him whip babies. 杰克说他其实还好啦就是想艾纳斯,有时候想得慌,莫名其妙打小孩。
The old man sat silent, his hands folded on the plastic tablecloth, staring at Ennis with an angry, knowing expression. 杰克他爹却一直闷声不响地坐着,双手交叠放在塑料桌布上,怒气冲冲地盯着埃尼斯,一副“我什么都知道”的模样。
"Two little girls," Ennis said. 两个小丫头。
It would be Jack Twist's second summer on the mountain, Ennis's first. 夏日的山脉横亘在断背山林业局外面的林木线上,这是杰克在山上第二次过夏天,埃尼斯则是第一次。
Ennis didn't know about the accident for months until his postcard to Jack saying that November still looked like the first chance came back stamped DECEASED. 埃尼斯一直都不知道杰克出了意外,直到数月之后,他寄给杰克的明信片被盖上“收件人已故”的戳记退了回来。
Ennis said nothing, straightened up slowly, rubbed at his forehead; a horse stamped inside the trailer. 埃尼斯默然不语,缓缓站直身子,轻轻摸了摸自己的额头。一只马在车上跺脚。
Jack broke the seal on a bottle of whiskey, took a long, hot swallow, exhaled forcefully, said," That's one a the two things I need right now," capped and tossed it to Ennis. 杰克打开一瓶威士忌,喝了一大口,又深深吐了口气,说道:“威士忌正是我两件宝贝之一。”然后把瓶子盖好,抛给了埃尼斯。
Ennis sat at the kitchen table with Jack's father. 埃尼斯和杰克的老爹坐在厨房的餐桌旁。
Ennis wrote back, you bet, gave the Riverton address. 埃尼斯写了回信,当然,随信附上了他在瑞弗顿的地址。
"Too late to go out to them damn sheep," said Ennis, dizzy drunk on all fours one cold hour when the moon had notched past two. “太晚了,不想管那些该死的羊了”埃尼斯说道,醉醺醺地仰面躺着。正是寒冷时分,从月亮的位置看已过了两点钟。
Ennis, wearing his best shirt, white with wide black stripes, didn't know what time Jack would get there and so had taken the day off, paced back and forth, looking down into a street pale with dust. 因为不能确定杰克几点钟能到,埃尼斯便干脆请了一整天的假。他穿着自己最好的白底黑色宽条纹上衣,不时地来回踱步,一个劲儿朝布满灰白色尘埃的街道上张望。
You're too much for me, Ennis, you son of a whoreson bitch. I wish I knew how to quit you. 我受够了,埃尼斯,你这个该死的狗娘养的,我真希望我知道怎么才能离开你!
In1963 when he met Jack Twist, Ennis was engaged to Alma Beers. 1963年遇到杰克时,埃尼斯已经和阿尔玛比尔斯订了婚。
In August Ennis spent the whole night with Jack in the main camp and in a blowy hailstorm the sheep took off west and got among a herd in another allotment. 八月份,埃尼斯整夜和杰克呆在主营里。一场狂风挟裹着冰雹袭来,羊群往西跑到了另一片草场,和那里的羊混在了一起。
You wouldn't do it, Ennis, so what we got now is Brokeback Mountain. 但你不肯,埃尼斯,所以我们有的只是一座断背山,全部的寄托都在断背山。
Ennis, who laughed at the insinuation, won the heptathlon gold medal Saturday night. 恩尼斯对这一间接批评嗤之以鼻,在上周六晚上她赢得了女子七项全能的金牌。
True, post-crash austerity had dented morale, but the medals collected by Jessica Ennis, Mo Farah and their fellow athletes in Team GB illuminated the road ahead. 的确,金融危机过后的紧缩挫伤了士气,但是大不列颠之队中的杰西卡•恩尼斯(JessicaEnnis)、莫•法拉(MoFarah)等许多本土运动员所赢得的奖牌,照亮了前方的路。
Don't try and fool me no more, ennis. 别再骗我了,埃尼斯。
Feel the love! All the Best, Heath Ledger Ennis Del Mar; 感受着你的爱!望你一切都好!希斯·莱杰,埃尼斯。
Promise to keep me? Lots of love, Heath Ledger Ennis Del Mar; 愿意和我厮守共度吗?给你无限的爱,希斯·莱杰,埃尼斯。
You ought to get married again, ennis. 你该再找个伴结婚,埃尼斯。
Ennis, please, you promised you'd take them tonight. 埃尼斯,求你了,你答应过今晚带她们的。
For christ's sake, Dick ennis! How the hell are you? 老天,迪克艾尼斯,你还好吧?
Ennis marries his girlfriend, Alma ( Michelle Williams), and they have two daughters. 因尼斯和他的女朋友阿尔玛(米歇尔.威廉姆斯)结婚,生了两个女儿。