Any of various extinct herbivorous hoofed mammals of the genus Brontotherium and related genera, of the Eocene and Oligocene epochs, resembling the rhinoceros. 雷兽类一种已绝迹的雷兽属和其它相关属类的有蹄食草哺乳动物,生长于始新世和渐新世,类似于犀牛。
Paleomagnetic study of Sanshui Basin in Guangdong from Late Cretaceous to Eocene and its tectonic significance 广东三水盆地晚自垩世&始新世古地磁研究及构造意义
The reflections of global tectonics events at the Paleocene Eocene boundary in Sedimentology 古新世&始新世界线全球构造事件在沉积学中的反映
The unconformity between the Eocene and the Lower Cretaceous is common in Jiuquan basin. 酒泉盆地普遍发育了始新统与下白垩统之间的不整合。
In fact, the Tuotuo River basin has been researched little, so the authors try to study its climate change from Eocene to Miocene by carbon and oxygen isotopes. 鉴于目前对位于青藏高原上的沱沱河盆地研究不多,作者试用碳氧同位素比值的方法研究该地区新生代的始新世到中中新世这一时段内的气候环境变化情况。
The division of Paleocene and Eocene deposits in the northern Junggar Basin 准噶尔盆地北缘古新世和始新世地层的划分及其时代
The Paleocene to Eocene inside the basin are fluvial sediments; 盆地内古新统-始新统为河流相沉积;
The existence of marine Eocene strata from the East China Sea Basin and its significance 东海盆地海相始新世地层的存在及其意义
Eocene Dinoflagellate in Qaidam Basin and Its Significance on Hydrocarbon Source 柴达木盆地始新统沟鞭藻及其油源意义
A new brontothere from late Middle Eocene of qufu, Shandong 记山东曲阜中始新世晚期&雷兽新属种
Primary Study on Quantitative Reconstruction of Middle-Late Eocene Climate in Jianghan Basin 江汉盆地始新世中、晚期古气候定量重建初探
Sprinkler section valve Those correspond to Quaternary, Pliocene, Upper Miocene, Lower Miocene and Eocene respectively. 喷水灭火系统分段阀分别为第四系、上新统、中新统上段、中新统下段及始新统。
The funnel-shaped self-potential curve of the Eocene sands is well marked. 始新统砂层的漏斗形自然电位曲线形态很明显。
Early Eocene sedimentary environment of Jianghan Basin and its oil and gas potential 江汉盆地早始新世沉积环境及与油气关系
Since tha latest of cretaceous, the xiihu sag had been undergoing rifting stage during the Paleocene and the eocene, inversion stagc during the Oligocene and the miocene, and regional subsidence stage during the Pliocene and the quaternary. 晚中生代末期以来,经历了古新世-始新世的裂谷盆地阶段。渐新世-中新世的盆地反转阶段和上新世-第四纪的区域沉降阶段。
Lower and middle Eocene calcareous nannofossils from the southwestern continental shelf basin of the East China Sea 东海陆架盆地西南部海相始新统钙质超微化石
It intruded Eocene sandstones. 它侵入始新世砂岩。
Another large-scale transgression occurred during the end of the Mesozoic, and lasted to the end of Eocene. 在中生代末期还遭受了相当规模的海侵,直至始新世末。
The first spreading cycle resulted in the formation of Wenchang mudstone, Eocene, which is the important and main source rock of the basin. 第一扩张旋回中形成的始新统文昌组泥岩是珠江口盆地的主要烃源岩。
The Baikal rift system was formed due to faulting on the late Cretaceous? Eocene. Epoch planation surface base. 在晚白垩世&始新世夷平面基础上,由于断裂作用形成了贝加尔裂谷系。
Mudstone undercompaction phenomenon is one of the important characters of Eocene strata in the Dongtai depression of the Subei basin. 泥岩欠压实现象是苏北地区,特别是苏北盆地东台坳陷下第三系地层中重要的地质特征之一。
Whichever way you look at the Eocene enigma, it is bad news for life on Earth. 无论用何种途径来观察始新世温室的这个谜,都对地球上生命带来不好的消息。
A Study of Middle and Late Eocene Palynological Assemblages in Jianghan Basin and Their Environmental Significance 江汉盆地始新世中、晚期孢粉组合特征及其环境意义
Recent progress on study of Eocene mammals in Yuanqu Basin 垣曲盆地始新世哺乳动物研究的新进展
Type genus of the Uintatheriidae; extinct large herbivorous ungulates somewhat resembling elephants; from the Eocene in Wyoming. 犹因他兽科的模式属;已灭绝的形似大象的大的有蹄食草类动物,;发现于怀俄明州始新世地层。
Characteristics and evolution of sedimentary facies of the Eocene of Paleogene in Baise Basin, Guangxi 广西百色盆地古近系始新统沉积相特征及演化
Small order of primitive ungulates of the Paleocene and eocene. 生活于古新世至始新世的小型原始有蹄动物目。
The placement and orientation of these fossils also tells researchers about the conditions at Green River during the Eocene. 这些化石的形成的地点和方位同时也让研究者们知道在始新世的绿河的环境条件。
Eocene Palynological Assemblages and environments in the Baise basin of Guangxi 广西百色盆地始新世孢粉组合与环境