And Tychicus have I sent to Ephesus. 我已经打发推基古往以弗所去。
If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not? 我若当日像寻常人,在以弗所同野兽战斗,那于我有什么益处呢。
And he sailed from Ephesus. 于是开船离了以弗所。
You know very well in how many ways he helped me in Ephesus. 他在以弗所怎样多多地服事我,是你明明知道的。
Act20:17 From Miletus he sent messengers to Ephesus to ask the elders of the church to meet with him. 保罗从米利都打发人往以弗所去,请教会的长老来。
Martin told him that his hatred of the magazines was rabid, fanatical, and that his conduct was a thousand times more despicable than that of the youth who burned the temple of Diana at Ephesus. 马丁告诉他地对编辑们的仇恨太过激,太狂热,他的行为比烧掉了以弗所的狄安娜神庙的那个青年还要讨厌一千倍。
But I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost. 但我要仍旧住在以弗所,直等到五旬节。
17When this became known to the Jews and Greeks living in Ephesus, they were all seized with fear, and the name of the Lord Jesus was held in high honor. 凡住在以弗所的,无论是犹太人,是希利尼人,都知道这事,也都惧怕,主耶稣的名从此就尊大了。
The other original seven wonders of the ancient world were the hanging gardens of Babylon; the statue of Zeus at Olympia; the temple of Artemis at Ephesus; the mausoleum at Halicarnassus; the Colossus of Rhodes and the Lighthouse of Alexandria. 原七大奇观还有巴比伦空中花园、奥林匹亚宙斯像、以弗所阿提密斯神殿、毛索洛斯墓庙、罗德斯岛巨像和法洛斯灯塔。
Ephesus hosted one of the seven churches of Asia, addressed in the Book of Revelation ( 2:1 – 7). 以弗所主持亚洲七个教堂之一,这一点在《启示录》(2:1-7)中有所提到。
Ephesus was an Ionian Greek city in ancient Anatolia, founded by colonists from Athens in the10th century BC. 以弗所在古代安纳托利亚(Anatolia)是一座爱奥尼亚(Ionian)希腊城市,在公元前10世纪由雅典殖民者建立。
The commercial agora on Ephesus was one of the largest and most impressive in the world. 以弗所的贸易市场是世界上规模最大,影响最深的贸易市场之一。
And when the townclerk had appeased the people, he said, ye men of ephesus, what man is there that knoweth not how that the city of the Ephesians is a worshipper of the great goddess diana, and of the image which fell down from jupiter? 那城里的书记,安抚了众人,就说,以弗所人哪,谁不知道以弗所人的城,是看守大亚底米的庙,和从宙斯那里落下来的像呢。
Paul had assigned Timothy to carry out special duties at the church in Ephesus. 保罗曾委派提摩太在以弗所教会中承担特别的事工。
That is what had happened to the church at Ephesus. 这正是以弗所教会的问题。
Ephesus had learnt to substitute the Virgin for Artemis, but had still the same intemperate zeal for its goddess as in the time of Saint Paul. 以弗所人虽已学会以童贞女马利亚代替阿尔蒂米斯女神,但他们对阿尔蒂米斯仍然持有和在圣保罗时代同样强烈感情。
As I desired thee to remain at Ephesus when I went into Macedonia, that thou mightest charge some not to teach otherwise. 当我往马其顿去的时候,曾请求你留在厄弗所,为的是要你训令某些人,不要讲异端道理。
Paul left Timothy in Ephesus to make sure the church stayed true to the doctrines Paul had taught and not be taken up with side issues ( v.4). 保罗叫提摩太留在以弗所教会,为的是确保他们能持定保罗教导的真理,不要被一些次要的问题所纠缠(4节)。
Paul apparently did found a church in Ephesus, and it was one of his bigger churches it seems like. 显然,保罗确实在以弗所建立了一所教会,并且那还是他最大的教会之一。
So it was in Ephesus when people walked into church. 走进以弗所的教会,就有这种感觉。
During a typical season, 700000 tourists would crowded into ephesus, a city in Asia minor, where they were entertained by acrobats, animal acts, jugglers and magicians. 在典型的旅游季节里,70万游人常会涌入小亚西亚的以佛所城,在那里,他们观赏杂技、动物表演、变戏法和魔术。
One of pseudo-Paul's letters may have been addressed to Ephesus. 有一封冒保罗之名所写的书信是写给以弗所的。
Do you get the impression that things were tense in Ephesus? 你感觉到了以弗所的情况有点紧张吗?
But taking his leave, and saying: I will return to you again, God willing, he departed from Ephesus. 却辞别他们说:「若是天主愿意,我还要回到你们这里来。」遂从厄弗所开船走了。
To the angel of the church in Ephesus say: these things says he who has the seven stars in his right hand, who is walking in the middle of the seven gold lights. 你要写信给以弗所教会的使者,说,那右手拿着七星,在七个金灯台中间行走的,说。
He is said to have died in Ephesus, and his tomb became a site of pilgrimage. 据说他死后葬在以弗所,他的墓地成为朝圣地。
Paul closes the letter by speaking God's blessing of underserved love in Christ for Timothy and all those with him in Ephesus. 保罗提到神在基督里对提摩太和所有与他同在以弗所之人的爱&人不配得的爱,并以此结束他的书信。
Tourists to the ancient city of Ephesus, in Greece, will be shown ancient graffiti advertising prostitution. 前往希腊以弗所市的游客会被领去参观为卖春活动做广告的古代涂鸦。
The statue of Dianna at Ephesus was made of wood and was believed to have been of miraculous origin. 据信,在埃弗塞斯的狄安娜木制雕像也有着非凡的来历。