Her younger sister, Eugenie, wore a cobalt-coloured creation by British designer Vivienne Westwood. 她的小妹妹尤珍妮带了一顶英国设计师薇薇恩·韦斯特伍德的深蓝色帽子。
This conversation through the closed door seemed to Eugenie like some episode in a novel. 这段隔着房门的谈话,对欧也妮来说简直是小说中的某段插曲。
Jacques's grandfather Rene Fath's mother had been a couturier to the Empress Eugenie in Victorian times. 雅克的祖父勒内法特赫的母亲一直是维多利亚时代欧仁妮皇后的裁缝。
A Pure Angel& The Image of Eugenie in Miser 纯洁的天使&《守财奴》中的欧也妮形象
When it was time for Eugenie to go to college, she knew she wanted to be an ichthyologist-a person who studies and works with fish. 到了克拉克上大学的时候,她已经决定做一个每天都和鱼一起学习和工作的鱼类研究者。
That time was the springtime of love for Eugenie. 从此,欧也妮进入了爱情里的春天。
Eugenie stared at her father, with a satirical look in her eyes which he found shocking. 欧也妮望着父亲,含讥带讽的眼神把他气坏了。
Eugenie turned hastily to the chimney piece, took up the candles. 欧也妮突然转身跑向壁炉架拿烛台。
Eugenie clasped her cousin's hand tightly in hers when she heard these last words. 欧也妮听到最后一句,不禁颤危危地握着堂兄弟的手。
Like a mother, Eugenie raised the hanging hand, and like a mother gently kissed his hair. 欧也妮也象做母亲的一样,把他垂下的手拿起,轻轻的吻了吻他的头发。
Eugenie jumped up and threw her arms round her father's neck. 欧也妮跳上去勾住了父亲的脖子。
Eugenie recklessly offered her father grapes. 欧也妮大着胆子请父亲吃葡萄。
Dear eugenie, I will leave it in your keeping. 亲爱的欧也妮,我把它交托给你。
The shy and virtuous mother fell down from heartache, while Eugenie, this spoony girl, got a rich man who was not loyal to her love any more. 一向胆小而贤淑的母亲因此一病不起,而欧也妮这个痴情的姑娘最终等到的却是发了小财归来的负心汉。
Eugenie looked at her father admiringly. 欧也妮望着父亲,钦佩到了万分。
Grrandet was solemn, chales silent, Eugenie dumb. 葛朗台严肃,查理静默,欧也妮一声不出。
Eugenie unfolded a clean white tablecloth and went to fetch some grapes. 欧也妮铺上一块洁净的白桌布,又去取来些葡萄。
Eugenie and her mother drew their chairs forward and sat near him, by the fire. 欧也妮和母亲端了两张椅子在壁炉前面,坐在他旁边。
Bother! This door is jammed. Eugenie's room was opposite this blocked door. 真讨厌!这扇门堵住了。这扇堵死的门对面是欧也妮的房门。
This was the emotion that Eugenie felt when she had read that horrible letter. 这便是欧也妮读了这封残酷的信以后的心情。
Eugenie's room was opposite this blocked door. 这扇堵死的门对面是欧也妮的房门。