The amazing transformation from male singer to bearded diva has turned Eurovision winner Conchita Wurst into a global superstar. 大胡子美女肯奇塔·沃斯特夺得了欧洲歌唱大赛冠军,这位由男歌手变性的大胡子美女一举成为全球超级明星。
Norway has emerged as the winner of the Eurovision Song Contest, held in the Russian capital, Moscow. 俄罗斯首都莫斯科举行的欧洲电社视节目交换制,挪威获得歌曲竞赛的胜利。
This it said In Russia we look after our elderly, but we don't send them to Eurovision. 你曾经这样说:在俄国,我们会善加照顾我们的长辈,而不会送他们去参加欧洲歌唱大赛。
Norway has won the Eurovision Song Contest, one of the most watched annual television events in Europe. 挪威赢得欧洲歌曲大赛&欧洲收视率最高的年度电视赛事之一。
Eurovision should have been beyond it. 欧歌赛应该超过了这一限度。
See link to his performance at the Eurovision final here. 请点击这里欣赏他的出色表演。
Riverdance, which originally aired during a break in the1994 Eurovision Song Contest, was the break he'd been waiting for. 《大河之舞》原本只是1994年欧洲歌唱大赛的串场舞蹈,但却成了他梦寐以求的契机。
When they entered a song in English at this year's Eurovision song contest, it provoked wry amusement abroad, but indifference at home. 法国人用一首英语演唱的歌曲参加欧洲电视歌曲大赛引得国外啼笑皆非,但国内对此却不以为然。
British television is also linked with Europe through the Eurovision network. 英国电视节目网同时与欧洲影视网联网。
Seven-times Eurovision winners Ireland have failed to qualify for Saturday's final of the song contest in Moscow. 欧洲电佘视节目交换制七次获胜者爱尔兰没有达到周六歌曲决赛的要求。
Eurovision presents a different problem. 欧歌赛提出的是一个不同的问题。
The Czech Republic has announced it is quitting the Eurovision Song Contest, saying there is a lack of interest at home in the musical event. 捷克共和国宣布退出欧洲电社视节目交换制的歌曲竞赛,称国内对音乐事件没有兴趣。