Facing death, Arthur ordered one of his knights Bedivere to throw Excalibur into a lake, so that the sword could not fall into the wrong hands. 临终时,亚瑟命令拜德维尔爵士把神剑埃克斯卡利伯投入湖中,使之不致落入恶人之手。
They include the Excalibur DataBlade ®, and the storage optimization feature, which provides index and data compression on disk to help reduce storage and backup/ recovery costs and administration, as well as providing improved performance. 它们包括ExcaliburDataBlade?和存储优化特性,后者在磁盘上提供了索引和数据压缩,以帮助减少存储和备份/恢复成本和管理工作,并提供改善的性能。
But they generate little thrust, meaning that Excalibur Almaz's mission will take at least six months, compared with just six days for Space Adventures 'chemical-powered craft. 但是他们进展缓慢,意思是神剑的使命可能至少推迟6个月,相比于空间探索公司仅仅需要6天就能加注的化学推动剂飞船。
Excalibur Almaz's bulky space stations will need a lot more work to convert into lunar spacecraft. 把王剑钻石宽敞的空间站改装成探月飞船需要做的工作就多得多了。
The death of Excalibur, a 12-year-old rescue dog, was confirmed to reporters by Javier Rodr í guez, an official from Madrid's regional government, and the body is expected to be cremated. 埃克斯卡利伯是一条12岁的搜救犬,马德里地区政府官员哈维尔·罗德里格斯(JavierRodríguez)向记者证实了它的死亡,它的尸体将被火化。
Neither firm will start refitting its spacecraft, a process expected to take around three years, until it has sold all the seats on its maiden flights ( two for Space Adventures, three for Excalibur Almaz). 这两家公司都没有开始重建飞船,这一过程会持续三年,要在公司售出了处女航的所有船票(太空探险两张、王剑钻石三张)之后才开始。
He told the Spanish newspaper El Mundo that there was no indication that Excalibur had been infected with Ebola. 他告诉西班牙报纸《世界报》(ElMundo),没有迹象表明埃克斯卡利伯感染了埃博拉病毒。
We all know the story of a sword called excalibur. 我们都知道关于石中剑的故事。
Stay more on Kyle Murphy and his shop, Excalibur guns. 多谈谈墨菲还有枪支问题。
But I sat silent in my hill, the barbarians still came in their thousands, and there were few who dared to wield Excalibur, knowing that they would surely die. 于是,我便静静的坐在我的山岗上,看着成千上万的野蛮人仍在入侵。自从人们知道使用剑的人必死无疑后便几乎没人敢哪怕碰一下王者之剑。
The secret weapon in the epic battle, the Excalibur of computing knowledge, is understanding. 而这场持久战中的秘密武器、战胜计算机知识的亚瑟王的神剑,就是透彻理解。
They called the sword Excalibur, and it seemed everything they had asked. 他们把这把剑叫做王者之剑,这柄剑似乎带给他们一切之前想要的。
I think he will choose Excalibur, for even he finds it difficult to think down here, under the lake. 我认为他会选择王者之剑,因为甚至连他都觉得在这湖下思考权衡不大容易。
Known as the "sword in the stone" the Tuscan "Excalibur" is said to have been plunged into a rock in1180 by Galgano Guidotti a medieval knight who renounced war and worldly goods to become a hermit. 托斯卡纳“亚瑟王神剑”就是著名的“石中之剑”,传说它是被中世纪的骑士加尔加诺·吉多蒂在1180年插入石中的,他从此便抛弃战争和世俗欲望,成为隐士。