Some business rules are also needed to support legal and regulatory requirements, such as the ones from FCC, FDA, FAA, 1 and so on. 一些业务规则还需要符合法律规范和调整的需求,比如一些由美国通信委员会、美国食品及药物管理局、联邦航空局1等等制定的规范。
The FAA have stopped all air traffic to Haiti. 联邦航空局停飞了所有海地航班。
The Federal Aviation Administration, or FAA, has chosen a university town in Virginia as one of six places to test drones. 美国联邦航空管理局(简称FAA)选择了弗吉尼亚州的一个大学城作为六个无人机试验基地之一。
Late Wednesday, FAA officials were engaged in extensive discussions with Israeli civilian and military officials about the criteria for potentially removing the ban, said people close to the talks. 据知情人士称,周三晚间FAA与以色列政府和军方官员针对可能的禁令取消标准进行了广泛讨论。
A study by the F.A.A. in 2012 found no reports of air rage or flight attendant interference related to passengers using cellphones on aircraft in other countries. FAA在2012年开展的一项研究发现,在那些国家没有出现与乘客在飞机上使用电话相关的愤怒事件,也没有空乘实施干预的报告。
Naturally, his latest startup is a drone company, one that would provide drone products and services as well as training and certification for pilots& as soon as standards for such certification are codified by the FAA, that is. 当然,他最近的新创企业是一家无人机公司,主要提供无人机产品和服务以及飞行员培训和认证&只要联邦航空局完成此项认证标准的制定,公司就可以开始展开业务。
I guess he didn't want to be recognized by coast guard or faa. 我想他不想被联邦航空局的海岸巡警认出来。
Supervising FAA/ military flight checks. 军队的飞行检查。
Understanding relevant CAAC, FAA requirements and be familiar with aircraft maintenance and inspection skills and techniques; 理解CAAC和FAA的相关条例,熟悉民用航空器维护和检验的流程;
We have heightened our safety outreach to the personal flying pilot population through the FAA Safety Team and FAA Safety Briefing. 我们针对飞行员团体,通过联邦安全团队和安全简述来提升了飞行安全的覆盖面。
We rely on Congress to authorize the FAA to do our job. 我们依赖国会授权联邦航空局恢复我们的工作。
She continues to work on the satellite navigation systems as part of a Stanford research program funded by the FAA. 之后她继续从事斯坦福研究项目中有关卫星导航系统的研究,联邦航空局资助了这一项目。
FAA officials helped the Chinese beef up air-traffic control designs and inspection procedures. 美国联邦航空局官员帮助中国加强空管设计和检查程序。
Meanwhile, 40 FAA airport safety inspectors are working without pay. 与此同时,40名FAA机场安检员在无偿工作。
The FAA has not released an official statement. 联邦航空局还未发布官方声明。
And while no accidents or crashes have happened because of it, the FAA is taking action. 虽然没有发生意外或坠落事故,联邦航空局也在采取行动。
He was speaking about the impasse over funding for the Federal Aviation Administration ( FAA), which manages air safety and air-traffic control. 他说的是为美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)拨款陷入僵局的事。联邦航空管理局管理空中安全事务和负责空中交通管制。
The FAA was quick to point out that it isn't a safety matter, it's just an equipment problem. 联邦航空管理局迅速指出这不是安全问题,仅仅是设备问题。
Southwest is blaming the FAA and says it complied with all requests. 西南航空谴责联邦航空局并表示他符合所有的要求。
Incident or accident? What you should report to the FAA and what you should not. 事件还是事故?什么是你应向faa报告的,什么是不应报告的。
This of course breaks some critical FAA regulations. 这一定违反联邦航空局的规定了。
Got worried and called the faa. 有问题了,打电话给联邦航空局。
The paper researched on the basis theory of FAA. 论文研究了森林资产核算的基本理论问题。
The FAA has suspended an air traffic controller for watching a movie while on the job. 美国联邦航空局吊销了一个在工作时看电影的空管人员的工作执照。
STC FAA-approved mounting system installs on wing strut or under belly. FAASTC批准的的在机翼撑杆或机身上安装的吊舱。
You know, I called FAA right after I heard him. 你知道的,那之后我立即打电话到联邦航空局。
I already did. I've also notified the FAA to check flight manifests. 已经查了,我还让联邦空管调查了航班记录。
Agent michaels, get FAA flight plans and authorization records on that craft. 麦克探员,去faa「航空管制中心」查查那架飞机的飞行计划和认证记录。
First, shutting down the FAA to the tune of30 million tax dollars a day, now this. 先是调了每天30万美元的税,关闭了美国联邦航空局,现在又是这个。