The FSA said traders at Credit Suisse had been treated with too much deference. 金融服务管理局表示,瑞士信贷的交易员受到过于恭顺的对待。
The FSA was impressed at how well the system worked. 金融服务局对系统的出色表现留下了深刻的印象。
Now listen to Mr Sants, the chief_executive of the Financial Services Authority. 现在听一听英国金融服务管理局(FSA)首席执行官桑特是怎么说的吧。
I like the heart suddenly turned the FSA bottles, do not know what taste. 我的心里顿时像翻了五味瓶,不知道是什么滋味。
Step forward Lord Turner, who as chairman of the FSA is Mr Sants'boss. 桑特的老板&英国金融服务管理局主席特纳勋爵(LordTurner)更进一步。
The FSA appears to be more heavy-handed than the Fed so which guidelines should we be following? FSA看起来比美联储更为严厉,那我们应该遵循哪一套准则呢?
Mr Ambani has not been accused of any wrongdoing by the FSA, and is not represented. fsa没有指控安巴尼存在任何不法行为,也没有律师代表出庭。
Now, he says, there has been a very fundamental shock to the efficient markets hypothesis which has been in the DNA of the FSA and securities and banking regulators around the world. 如今,存在于FSA以及世界各地证券与银行业监管机构DNA中的有效市场假设'受到了根本性冲击。
The FSA yesterday declined to comment. 英国金融服务管理局昨日拒绝置评。
It was the first time that the FSA tried to penalise a senior manager for inadequate supervision rather than for actual wrongdoing. 对一名高管实施惩罚的理由是监督不力,而不是他实际犯了过错,这对英国金融服务管理局而言是头一次。
The serious fraud office and financial services authority are both taking a more robust approach to alleged criminality in the business world. 英国严重欺诈办公室和金融服务管理局(fsa)都对企业界的所谓犯罪行为采取了更严厉的措施。
The FSA does not currently advise that people should specifically try to avoid foods high in acrylamide. 英国食品标准局(FSA)如今没有建议人们要特别地不吃高含丙烯酰胺的食品。
There are some who neither fear nor respect the FSA as a credible regulatory authority. 一些市场人士既不畏惧fsa,也没有将其看做是有公信力的监管机构。
There should be a clear convergence here between the perspective and responsibilities of the Bank and the FSA. 在英央行和金融服务管理局的视野与责任之间,应该有清晰的会合点。
The FSA says this is illegal because "novel foods" must have special authorisation before being sold. 日本金融厅表示,这是非法的,因为“新食品”必须在出售前特别授权。
The SEC this year signed co-operation agreements with not only the UK's Financial Services Authority but counterparts in South Korea and China. 美国证交会今年不仅与英国金融服务局(FSA)签署了合作协议,而且还与韩国和中国的监管机构建立了合作关系。
In the UK's tripartite structure, both the Bank and the FSA have an interest in its effectiveness. 在英国的三方监管结构中,央行和金融服务管理局都有意提高有效性。
The UK financial services authority is sensibly moving in this direction. 英国金融服务管理局(fsa)正理智地朝着这个方向迈进。
The FSA, CFTC, DoJ and UBS declined to comment. FSA、CFTC、美国司法部以及瑞银拒绝置评。
Even when a deal with Barclays seemed within reach, the British Financial Services Authority vetoed it. 它与巴克莱的交易似乎已接近告成,却遭到了英国金融服务管理局(fsa)的否决。
On Wednesday the financial services authorities banned Mr Redmond for two years from working for any regulated firm. 英国金融服务局(fsa)周三下令,雷德蒙德在两年内不得为任何受监管的公司工作。
The FSA generally tells groups to keep probes confidential. fsa通常会告诉各集团对调查过程保密。
Rather the FSA may be approaching the transaction in a prudent but fair spirit. 更确切地说,FSA可能是在以一种审慎而公正的态度对待这笔交易。
The FSA principle on conflicts of interest demands only that "conflicts should be managed fairly". 对于利益冲突,fsa原则只要求“应当公平地处理冲突”。
But the FSA has more than 8,000 pages of detailed rules. 但英国金融服务局目前的具体规定就在8000页以上。
The FSA is trying to legislate through the back door, said a senior London-based banker. 伦敦一名高级银行家表示:FSA正试图通过走后门立法。
As envisioned by the FSA, the banks will have to meet three requirements. 依照fsa的设想,各银行必须满足三个要求。
We are lucky to have someone in charge of the FSA who realises this. 幸运地是,掌管英国金融服务管理局的人意识到了这一点。