n. 费比乌斯(费边)(公元前275-前203,古罗马政治家、将军,以避免与敌直接作战和采取拖延的战略使敌师疲于奔命,终于战胜迦太基军队)
The Syrian government has enough money to hold out for only a few months without the support of Russia and Iran as the civil conflict costs it about 1 billion ($ 1.23 billion) a month, Mr. Fabius said in an interview with French radio station RTL. 法比尤斯对法国广播电台RTL说,叙利亚政府用于内战的花费大概为每月10亿欧元(约合12.3亿美元),因此在没有俄罗斯或伊朗支持的情况下,叙利亚政府的资金只能再维持几个月的时间。
Mr. Fabius said France was supplying 'nonlethal' equipment to Syrian opposition forces, such as night-vision gear and high-tech communication devices. 法比尤斯说,法国正在向叙利亚反对派武装提供非致命性装备,如夜视装备和高科技通讯设备。
'We are trying to tighten the pressure around his neck,' Mr. Fabius said. 'Discussions must be sustained at least with Russia, since discussion with Iran is extremely difficult as we can see with nuclear talks.' 法比尤斯说,我们正努力增加阿萨德面临的财政压力;我们至少必须维持与俄罗斯在这方面的讨论,因为与伊朗讨论这方面的问题非常困难,这一点从伊核问题谈判中就能看出来。
Blair said in his speech to open the conference that he had been inspired to speak of his linguistic shortcomings by the presence here of another former French Prime minister, Laurent fabius. 布莱尔在大会的开幕式致词上说,另一位法国前总理洛朗法比尤斯的出席使他敢于在此展示他拙劣的法语。
This type of practice between allies that intrude on private life is totally unacceptable. We must be assured, very quickly, that in all cases they are not being used any more, Mr Fabius said before a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Luxembourg. 法比尤斯在参加卢森堡举行的欧盟外长会议之前表示:盟友之间这种侵犯私人生活的做法完全不可接受。我们必须很快得到保证,这种做法在任何情况下都不会再被利用。
Marcus Minucius his "Master of Horse" or second in command of all Roman forces, was eventually entrusted with dual-command with Fabius. 米努西乌斯是费边的骑兵长官,即罗马军队的二把手,他最终与费边合作无间。
He was blessed with the Patience of Fabius, yet his offensive campaigns were respected by Hannibal. 他有着费边的耐心,同时他的攻势也得到汉尼拔的尊敬。
Fabius constantly skirmished and fought Hannibal on a few different occasions. 费边持续不断地在不同地点与汉尼拔进行小规模的战斗。
Fabius Maximus did manage to use the new "Offensive Fabian Tactics". 费边。马克西姆斯确实成功地运用了新的“进攻性的费边战术”。