The entire region is opening up as the economies are demonstrating their stability, Mr Faure says. 富尔表示:随着非洲经济证明了自己的稳定性,整个地区的开放程度都在不断提高。
Emmanuel Faure, chairman of the Asian branch of the Futures Industry Association, said the exchange had been "very receptive" to a proposal to prolong trading by two hours until 6pm and "very interested in doing it this year". 美国期货业协会(futuresindustryassociation)亚洲部主席艾马努埃福尔(emmanuelfaure)表示,港交所“非常愿意考虑”延长交易时段两小时,至下午6时的提议,并“非常有意在今年开始实施”。
Faure Sequence's Periodicity and its Fast Building Faure序列的周期性及快速构造
The development of French artistic song can be dated back to the latter of 19th century. Faure and Debussy were two important composers who laid strong foundation for French artistic song and created large amount excellent works meanwhile. 法国艺术歌曲的发展始于十九世纪后半期,福列和德彪西是法国艺术歌曲的重要作曲家,他们奠定了法国艺术歌曲的基石,同时创作了大量的优秀作品。
After analyzing the structure of Faure sequence, the periodicity of Faure sequence and a fast algorithm of the sequence in modulo 2 are obtained. 通过分析Faure序列的结构,得到Faure序列的周期性以及模2下Faure序列的快速算法。
Faure inherited the tradition of the French Culture basically, and innovated bravely in the use of Debugging and Harmony, which was in favor of the arrival of Impressionism. 福雷基本上是继承了法国文化传统的,而且在调试及和声的运用上大胆的创新,为印象主义的到来作了铺垫。