Ian Ferguson was preferred to Stuart McCall, who was on the bench. 伊恩·弗格森比坐在替补席上的斯图尔特·麦考尔更受器重。
Ferguson stood up and buttoned his coat. 弗格森站起身来,扣上了外套。
How's Ferguson coming along? 弗格森现在怎么样啊?
Mr Ferguson said the prisoner concocted the story to get a lighter sentence. 弗格森先生说犯人捏造了这件事儿以求轻判。
When he answered the phone, Ferguson was at the other end 他接电话时,电话那一端是弗格森。
There would be hell to pay when Ferguson and Tony found out about it. 一旦弗格森和托尼发现此事,就会有大麻烦的。
Ferguson was unhappy and it showed 弗格森很不开心,能看得出来。
In the earlier rounds, Ferguson and Dickinson were the standouts 在最初的几轮中,弗格森和迪金森表现突出。
'We both have an interesting 10 days coming up,' said Alex Ferguson with studied understatement. 亚历克斯·弗格森故作轻描淡写地说:“我们都即将迎来愉快的10天。”
He [ Charles] asked when I came to Canada, I told him 1939, said Ms Ferguson. 他(查尔斯王子)问我何时来到加拿大,我告诉他是1939年。弗格森女士说。
Playwright and screenwriter Tony Kushner officiated the ceremony, according to Ferguson's rep. 剧作家和编剧托尼•库什纳主持了仪式,据弗格森的经纪人说。
Ferguson said: I'm not getting carried away with it, only the media will. 弗格森说:我没有去想这些,这仅仅是媒体的意愿。
But Ferguson is right-I'm not that good and I'm not exactly superstar material. 但是弗格森是对的&我不是很好,也不是成为一名超级巨星的料。
Ferguson and I have had our differences. 弗格森和我都不一样。
Alex Ferguson has helped me a lot. 爵爷帮了我很多。
But Ferguson believes that the absence of Essien and Claude Makelele, a person not Meikle enough. 但弗格森认为,缺少了马克莱莱和埃辛,米克尔一个人不足够。
We will have to be good, Ferguson said. 我们必须有好的表现,弗格森爵士说。
It was Alex Ferguson directly who made contact with the Celtic directors. 弗格森爵士已经和凯尔特人高层谈了。
"I wish I had taken that banner to Liverpool on Sunday," Ferguson said. “我希望是我周日把横幅带到利物浦去的,”弗格森说。
"I know my team for the AC Milan game already," Ferguson says. “我知道自己的球队已经为AC做好了准备,”弗格森说。
"I am delighted Chris has signed a new contract," said Ferguson. “很高兴斯莫林续约了,”弗格森说。
"He has not decided," Ferguson said. “他还没决定,”弗格森说。
"It's a different player character we've got today," Ferguson said. “现在球员的性格很不同了,”弗格森说。
"I have known Alex since he was18, when he went to Aberdeen," Ferguson said. “麦克利什18岁的时候我就认识他了,当时他在阿伯丁踢球,”弗格森说。
"I had a chat with Federico and explained the Welbeck situation," Ferguson said. “我跟马切达谈过,解释了维尔贝克的情况,”弗格森说。
"In some people's eyes, he's a hero, you know," Ferguson said. “在一些人的眼中他是个英雄,你知道的,”弗格森爵士说。
"It has been said I do not have the money," said Ferguson. “有人说我没钱了,”弗格森说。
"Wayne has turned into the player we all hoped he would," Ferguson says. “鲁尼已经成了我们都希望他成为的那种球员,”弗格森说。
Sir Alex Ferguson admits he is surprised Arsenal and Chelsea have not been more active in the summer market. 弗格森表示,对于阿森纳和切尔西没有在夏季转会市场上有太多的动作,他有一些惊讶。这名曼联教练希望伦敦双雄能在转会窗口关闭之前签下新的球员。
Sir Alex Ferguson has rubbished speculation that Cristiano Ronaldo is in talks to sign for Real Madrid. 弗格森爵士严厉驳斥了罗纳尔多在和皇马谈判的传闻。