And as the company advertises, if you need to compute the characteristic polynomial of a400 x400 matrix over Q, you need Fermat. 据该公司的广告宣称,如果您需要计算Q上的400x400矩阵的特征多项式,那么您就需要Fermat。
This proprietary, shareware computer algebra system is named for one of the most famous mathematicians who ever lived: Pierre de Fermat. 这个专有共享软件计算机代数系统是为纪念已故最著名数学家之一PierredeFermat而命名的。
Then comes the real intellectual heavy lifting, revisited like a private, pointless Fermat's Theorem: Why is food such a big part of rearing children? 然后才是真正的精神折磨,它像毫无意义的私人费马大定理一样不断纠缠我:为什么养孩子过程中要花这么多时间做吃的?
Like astronomy, mathematics owes much to amateur contributors such as Fermat and Mersenne. 像天文,数学归功于如费马和梅森业余贡献者。
Fermat, I'll hold the monorail in place. 佛曼,我会抓牢单轨列车。
Probe into Fermat's Rule of Dynamic Optimal Viability of Economic Systems 经济系统动态最优生存的费马原理探析
This paper sets up equivalent propositions of Goldbach's Conjecture and Twin Prime Conjecture and Fermat's Conjecture for prime numbers by using the simple result among the number theory. 文章运用数论中的一些简单结果,如辛达拉姆筛法与威尔逊定理,建立了哥德巴赫猜想、孪生素数猜想以及费马素数猜想的等价命题。
This paper investigates the integral valued polynomial and its identity factors, also gives a new proof for Fermat's little theorem. 探讨整值多项式及其恒因子,并给出费马小定理的一种证明方法。
By using boundary circle and restricted region, this paper gives a criterion for judging whether Fermat point is a triangular point. 本文利用限制圆和限制区域,给出了费尔马点为三角点的判断条件,同时得到了特殊的正三角形的三角点的分布情。
Algebra, Number Theory, Fermat's Last Theorem, etc. 代数,数论,费尔马大定理等介绍。
Cylindrical Fold Study of a Large In-Space Deployable Membrane Parabolic Reflector; Analytical Formulas for Reflected Ray Tracing on Elliptic Cylinder based on the Fermat Principle 薄膜抛物面反射器的圆柱式折叠研究
The proof of Fermat's Last Theorem was a major mathematical feat ofthe20th century. 费马大定理(费马最后定理)的证明是20世纪数学的一个主要功绩。
Abstract: Ideas to prove Fermat's Last Theorem is introduced, and the theorem is completely proved using elementary algebra. 本文给出了用初等代数方法证明费马大问题的思路和完整的过程。
An Application of Fermat's Method of Descent to a Real Quadratic Field 费尔玛下降法在一实二次域中的应用
Fermat's gonna hack in to give control back to you. 费马打算侵入控制中心恢复你们的控制。
Fermat's principle is not so much a computational device as it is a concise way of thinking about the propagation of light. Another Mathematic Method to Prove Fermi Theory about the Travel of Light at the Highest or the Lowest Speed; 费马原理更多的是对光的传播的一种简明看法,而不是一种计算工具。
A method of coefficient discriminance to the integer solution of generalized Fermat equation 广义Fermat方程无整数解的系数判别法
Its mathematical foundations were laid in the17th century with the development of probability theory by Pascal and Fermat. 其数学奠定了基础在17世纪的发展,概率论的Pascal和费尔马。
A Marvelous Proof for Fermat's Last Theorem 费马大定理一个奇妙的证明
A New Geometry Inequality with The Fermat Problem 一个新的与Fermat问题相关的几何不等式
With the basic quality of exact division, a simple primary proving for Fermat Junior Theorem is presented. 仅用整除的基本性质,巧妙给出费尔马(Fermat)小定理的一种完全初等简单的证明。
And last, we made a further study about Fermat points of finite point sets in Euclidean spaces En. 此外,还对n维欧氏空间En中有限点集的费马点作了进一步研究。
By means of Fermat's principle general aberration formulae for the combined system have been derived. 运用变分原理(费马原理)计算了三级象差,得出了复合系统普遍的象差公式。
Fermat Last Theorem& A Brief on History and Proof Fermat最后定理&历史和证明简介
An application of Fermat numbers in the study of group theory 费马数在群论研究中的一个应用
Fermat ring is defined and its some properties are considered. The classification of commutative Fermat ring is determined, and Chevalley-Warning theorem over finite fields is extended to commutative Fermat ring. 定义了抽象Fermat环并研究了它的一些性质,在交换的情形下,完全决定了Fermat环的分类并且证明了数论中著名的Chevalley-Warning定理在交换Fermat环中成立。
The Study about Fermat Number 关于费马数的研究
The paper will review historically the difficult course of the proof of Fermat's Great Theorem. 文中就费马大定理证明的艰难历程作一历史性的评述。
Secondly, we discussed the uniqueness of Fermat points of finite point sets in some metric spaces ( including hyperbolic spaces and Banach spaces). 其次,运用度量几何的经典方法考察了度量空间(包括双曲空间和Banach空间)中有限点集的费马点的唯一性。