
美 [fərˈnænd]

n.  费尔南



  1. Fernand, pale and trembling, drew back, like a traveller at the sight of a serpent, and fell into a chair beside him.
  2. But Fernand was mistaken; a man of his disposition never kills himself, for he constantly hopes.
  3. Come, Fernand, won't you return to Marseilles with us?
  4. "But the means& the means?" said Fernand.
  5. When they had advanced about twenty yards, Danglars looked back and saw Fernand stoop, pick up the crumpled paper, and putting it into his pocket then rush out of the arbor towards Pillon.
  6. "Do you invent, then," said Fernand impatiently.
  7. Fernand wiped away the perspiration steaming from his brow, and slowly entered the arbor, whose shade seemed to restore somewhat of calmness to his senses, and whose coolness somewhat of refreshment to his exhausted body.
  8. Caderousse looked full at fernand& he was ghastly pale.
  9. At this moment danglars, who had been incessantly observing every change in fernand's look and manner, saw him stagger and fall back, with an almost convulsive spasm, against a seat placed near one of the open windows.
  10. Fernand looked at them both with a stupefied air, but did not say a word.
  11. According to the historian Fernand Braudel, the horrified Fuggers thought this an unworkable sleight of hand.
  12. No, fernand, you will not thus give way to evil thoughts.
  13. The whole brought up by Fernand, whose lips wore their usual sinister smile. There's a dark side to Jay's character.
  14. "I have not quitted you since yesterday," returned Fernand sorrowfully.
  15. "My health is well enough," said fernand, clinching his hands without raising his head.
  16. Some days before the return of the emperor, Fernand was drafted.
  17. What would you have me do? Said fernand.
  18. No doubt he is as rich as danglars, as high in station as fernand.
  19. "Did he know my father's Christian name was fernand, and his family name mondego?"
  20. Fernand would have been court-martialed if Napoleon had remained on the throne, but his action was rewarded by the Bourbons.
  21. "Ah, you are there," said she, at length, turning towards Fernand.
  22. And fernand, said Caderousse with a chuckle;" fernand, too, is invited!"
  23. "It drives me to despair," said Fernand.
  24. He proposed to Fernand to accompany him; fernand agreed to do so, deserted his post, and followed the general.
  25. Three months passed and still she wept& no news of edmond, no news of fernand, no companionship save that of an old man who was dying with despair.
  26. The French historian Fernand Braudel revolutionized his field by focusing his research on daily activities, such ad food consumption, in order to understand early historical periods.
  27. Fernand saw this, and when he learned of the old man's death he returned.
  28. Fernand smiled piteously. A lover is never terrible, he said.
  29. And then, it must be confessed, Fernand had never been hated& he was only not precisely loved.
  30. Fernand gave a groan, which resembled a sob, and dropped his head into his hands, his elbows leaning on the table.