'My own feelings exactly, Miss Floy,' said Susan, putting her apron to her eyes, and shaking her head. 'Immediately I see that Innocent in the Hall, Miss Floy, I burst out laughing first, and then I choked.' 弗洛伊小姐,我自己的感情跟您的完全一样,苏珊提起围裙去擦眼睛,一边摇晃着脑袋说,我在前厅里刚一看见那个笨蛋时,我起初哈哈大笑,接着嗓子就哽住了。
But Floy could always soothe and reassure him; and it was his daily delight to make her lay her head down on his pillow, and take some rest. 但是弗洛伊总是安慰他,叫他安心;他总是让她把头躺在他的枕头上,休息一会儿,这已成为他每天的快乐。
'The sea' Floy, what is it that it keeps on saying? 这海,弗洛伊,它一直在说着一些什么话?
But a word from Florence, who wasalwaysat his side, restored him to himself; and leaning his poor head upon her breast, he told floy of his dream, and smiled. 可是经常待在他身旁的弗洛伦斯只要讲一句话就能使他恢复平静;这时他就把他可怜的脑袋倚靠在她的胸前,把他的梦境讲给她听,并且微笑着。
'Well, it is a wonder, ain't it now, Miss Floy? 对了,确实是个奇迹,可不是吗,弗洛伦斯小姐?
No other woman would have so forgotten everybody there but him and Floy, and been so full of tenderness and pity. 不会有另外一位妇女会这样把所有在场的人全都忘记,而只记得他和弗洛伊两人,会对他们两人这样充满了亲切与怜悯的感情。
'Because I know they say so,' returned Paul, 'and I want to know what they mean, Floy.' But a loud double knock coming at the door, and Florence hurrying to the table, there was no more said between them. 因为我知道他们这么说,保罗回答道,我想知道他们这么说是什么意思,弗洛伊。可是门上传来很响的敲门声,弗洛伦斯急忙走到桌旁,姐弟两人就没有再说什么话。