So what if I did try to kill Phileas fogg? 就算是我想杀了菲利亚斯福格又能怎么样?
Phileas Fogg was also thinking of passepartout, who had so strangely disappeared. 斐利亚福克也并非没想过他那个莫名其妙地就失了踪的仆人。
Phileas Fogg then ordered a special train. 斐利亚福克这时就要租专车。
Certainly an Englishman, it was more doubtful whether Phileas Fogg was a Londoner. 当然他是一个英国人,有人更怀疑福克是不是一个伦敦人。
Mr Fogg did not seem even to know that there was a captain on board. 再看看福克先生吧,他好象想也没想过在这条船上还有一个船长。
I take it you don't have Phileas Fogg in that valise. 我猜你不会把菲利亚斯福格放在那小提箱里吧。
Fix was greatly tempted to arrest Mr Fogg on the spot; but he did not. 这时费克斯真很想逮捕福克,可是他没有动手!
Phileas Fogg did not reply at once; 斐利亚福克没有回答;
Mr Fogg and Colonel proctor, each provided with two six-barrelled revolvers, entered the car. 福克先生和普洛克托上校每人各带两把六轮手枪,走进了车厢。
On the ninth day after leaving yokohama, Phileas Fogg had traversed exactly one half of the terrestrial globe. 离开横滨九天之后,斐利亚福克先生不多不少地正好绕了半个地球。
Phileas fogg, like a racehorse, was drawing near his last turning-point. 福克就象是一匹跑马场上的快马,他已经接近了终点。
Phileas Fogg could not imagine. 斐利亚福克完全不了解。
But Fix heard him relate his adventures in a few words to Mr Fogg. This is a simplification, but not an over-simplification, of the different pictures people see on the two sides of the Atlantic. 而费克斯却听见了路路通对他主人简单地叙述着自己的遭遇。以上是人们在大西洋两岸看到的不同景象的一种简单化的叙述,但也并非过分的简单化。
Mr fogg, at this, rose in turn. 听了这句话,福克先生跟着也站了起来。
That Passepartout was not fogg's accomplice, he was very certain. 他当然不会是福克的同谋。
It was his fault, then, that Mr Fogg and Aouda had missed the steamer. 要是福克先生和艾娥达夫人真误了船,这完全是他的过失。
Phileas fogg, by this resolution, inevitably sacrificed himself; 既然这样决定,斐利亚福克便准备牺牲一切了。
Fogg's plan appeared to him the simplest in the world. 在费克斯看来,斐利亚福克的打算是再简单不过的了。
He also sent a Chinese warlord to kill Phileas fogg! 他还派了一个中国军阀去杀害菲利亚斯福格!
Phileas Fogg had accomplished the journey round the world in eighty days! 斐利亚福克在八十天内环游了地球一周!
Had Mr Fogg and himself crossed the Pacific together, and not met on the steamer! 福克先生跟他同坐一条船横渡太平洋,他们在船上就没见过面。
Mr Fogg was not there. 但是福克先生也不在那儿。
Phileas Fogg had won his wager of twenty thousand pounds! 斐利亚福克赢到了这笔两万英镑的赌注!
Mr Fogg and his partners had resumed their game; 福克先生和他的牌友重新开始玩起了惠司脱。
Mr Fogg replied that the honour would be his; 福克先生回答他说,自己也感到很荣幸。
I should like to know if Mr Fogg foresaw this mishap in his programme! 我现在倒很想知道福克先生对这件意外的事是不是也预先定在他的计划里了。
And now what course would Phileas Fogg adopt? 现在斐利亚福克打算怎么办呢?
But this delay, as it was foreseen, did not affect Phileas Fogg's programme; 但是,这四小时的耽搁,对于福克先生的旅行计划毫无妨碍,因为这早已在他意料之中。
And Phileas fogg, who had been in the thickest of the fight, had not received a scratch. 斐利亚福克虽然是全力作战,但是连一点皮也没有擦破。
I've found the bank robber, Phileas Fogg. 我盯住了银行窃贼斐利亚·福克。